More in Technology

4 years

IoT is a Hot Topic in Cold Chain Logistics

IoT for cold chain logistics can ensure that your long-distance food, perishable products, and medicines are delivered with assured freshness and quality.

4 years

How AI Can Help Protect the Environment

The environment is a precious resource.

4 years

Self-Healing Robots: Making War Casualties a Thing of the Past

The wars of the future may be fought entirely with the help of robots, and the use of self-healing robots will become imperative to have the upper hand and a strategic advantage over adversaries.

4 years

How Computer Vision Can Help in Building AR Environments

The use of computer vision will help augmented reality (AR) devices to build a more accurate augmented environment by helping it to determine where to place virtual images in accordance with real space.

4 years

The Need for MaaS in Smart Cities

New modes of personal mobility are emerging in smart cities with the implementation of autonomous vehicles. Adding to this, a new model of personal mobility known as mobility as a service.

4 years

Understanding the Different Types of Chatbots

The differing functionalities they provide and the methods they use to give responses determine different types of chatbots.

4 years

How VR and Artificial Skin Can Aid in Rehabilitation

Conventional methods of rehabilitation and VR are used in tandem since the emergence of VR in the healthcare industry to accelerate recovery processes, and now artificial skin can take the treatment process to an entirely new level.