More in Technology

6 years

Ten Megatrends for 2020

Recently, I wrote a tribute to the late Futurist Alvin Toffler, who passed away last week at age 87. In many respects, he is considered the father of business futurism, and his notions (along with others such Michael Naisbitt and Faith Popcorn) helped to lay out the big trends that tend to influence events over decades.

6 years

Singularity Politics, or When AIs Grow Up

A General Artificial Intelligence is one that has achieved sentience. Sentience means, in effect, that it is aware of itself, is capable of multiple levels of recursive abstraction, and in general will not be programmed so much as taught. Arguably, a GAI is a specialized AI that can feel existential angst.

6 years

6 Challenges Blockchain Technology Must Overcome before Mainstream Adoption

Blockchain can potentially transform businesses, industries, and even economies, following its worldwide implementation. However, there exist significant challenges to blockchain adoption that need to be addressed first.

6 years

What Does Your Perfect Client Look Like?

A famous saying goes by, “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you get.”

6 years

4 Challenges Faced by Organizations before Venturing into Machine Learning

Businesses contemplating to implement machine learning (ML) are faced with a number of challenges, ranging from the ignorance of its benefits to the inadequacy of its know-how.

6 years

Future Blockchain Use Cases that Will Blow Your Mind

Blockchain has transcended its original purpose of maintaining financial transaction records and has already found a wide range of applications in different industries. This development points to increasingly innovative future uses of blockchain that can not only transform businesses but also spawn new ones.

6 years

The Importance of Payback Period in an IoT Project

Although the internet of things (IoT) can be viewed as a long-term investment, the target period for IoT payback should be fairly short due to the magnitude of impact the technology can have on any business.