Brennan Wright Finance Guru

Brennan is an experienced Fintech growth strategist with a strong financial and marketing background. He is currently the Head of Marketing of ThisIsMe Inc., one of Africa's largest and most successful Fintech startups. He has a proven track record of delivering high ROI for medium to large Fintech businesses. Brennan holds a bachelors degree in Finance from the University of Cape Town and is currently completing an MBA at the same university.


Artificial Intelligence in Finance

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has moved beyond merely capturing our imaginations - it is now replacing jobs, it is augmenting our skill sets, it is driving new discoveries on a daily basis - AI is already here, but why? How did this happen? A nexus of forces have fortuitously converged to deliver enormous growth in AI’s ability to deliver valuable real-world application in the financial services sector (and elsewhere). Before delving deeper into these forces - it’s beneficial to first look at what AI is, what forms it comes in and what areas are particularly interesting to the world of Finance.

  • 31/10/2017
  • 7
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