8 Ways To Crush Your Quarterly Goals

8 Ways To Crush Your Quarterly Goals

8 Ways To Crush Your Quarterly Goals

Setting and achieving quarterly goals is crucial in the business world if you want your organization to succeed.

The majority of people are significantly more adept at creating goals than at actually fulfilling them. It's simple to list everything you have to do this month or even all the things you'd like to do someday. 80% of New Year's resolutions fail because of various myths about goals and goal-setting.

We all have objectives, plans, and desires as high-achieving professionals. We create objectives for our work, health, businesses, and families. Many of us are highly driven; each year, we set hundreds of goals for ourselves. But at the end of the year, we frequently regret our decisions. We've had so many objectives competing for our attention that we've only succeeded in one or two.

You can pinpoint precisely what you want from life with clear and well-defined goals. They enable you to avoid deterrents that keep you from realizing your full potential. Let's look at some helpful advice to help you concentrate, accomplish more of your goals each year, and do it quickly. 

Quarterly Goals: What Are They?


A fantastic method to evaluate your business's success over a shorter period and ensure you're on track to meet your annual goals is to set quarterly goals.

Simply put, quarterly goals are objectives with a time frame of three months or less. They can tailor to a particular aspect of your business, or you can connect them with the yearly objectives of your organization.

Setting measurable quarterly goals promotes responsibility and motivates teams and departments to establish procedures to support the accomplishment of those targets. Every department in the firm needs doable quarterly goals and a clear plan of action to help them achieve those goals. With annual goals, you only win or lose once a year.

The beautiful thing about quarterly goals is that they give you a more manageable objective to concentrate on and complete in less time. Smaller goals are considerably easier to achieve and maintain than long-term annual goals. Additionally, you may monitor your business development along the way to ensure that you're on pace to accomplish your main objective.

Development becomes crucial in your corporate culture when goals ingrain into routine tasks. Employees are always thinking about their product thanks to quarterly goal setting. It forces people to consider their professions strategically and what they need to do to reach their objectives. It assists you in concentrating on tiny tasks that contribute to a more excellent picture.

Everyone is aware of compounding's potency. It is much simpler to accomplish multiple smaller efforts toward a larger goal than one grandiose project. Your annual objective can divide into manageable halves with the help of quarterly goals. These modest objectives are doable in three months.

Setting quarterly targets for the leadership team and the rest of the team makes those larger, longer-term goals seem more attainable.

How To Surpass Your Quarterly Objectives


1. Plan Daily Actions

We continue to approach quarterly goals using a growth-plus strategy. We take the base from the prior quarter and add 5 to 10% stretch goals to it for the next quarter, much like cost-plus pricing. We break down and reverse engineer our goals into manageable daily activities that almost everyone on the team can complete to keep a positive attitude and foster growth. The best chance for long-term success is through incremental discipline.

2. Track

You've likely heard the adage, "What gets measured gets done." And for this reason, you should make monitoring a habit for your quarterly goals. Conduct milestone evaluations on a weekly and monthly basis.

In both your weekly and monthly reviews, you should consider asking yourself a few questions, such as:

  • What actions did I take to get closer to my objectives?

  • How far along am I in attaining my goals?

  • What should I work on to boost my chances of success?

3. Identify Your Target

Here is where you decide what your goals are. Because I am aware of the following truth: If you aim at nothing, you will always hit it. You must have an objective to strive for, ideally an enormous one. Something that might be that largely makes you feel a little bit uneasy.

Try not to limit yourself or let those limiting ideas stand in the way of what might be achievable. Daring to think BIG is likely the essential thing you can do when achieving—and crushing—your goals.

4. Get Obsessed With Your Objective

When it comes to gaining your goals, it's not enough to wish and want. Falling in love with something is not the same as simply enjoying it. We all want many things, but few of them are things we genuinely adore. The good news is that there is no time limit on the amount of love you can give. Make love to your resolution if you care about it. Boost it. Regardless, take good care of it. As you would with a child who genuinely needs your assistance, dedicate yourself to the difficult moments.

5. Just Focus On Three Main Objectives at Once

We could be working on a plethora of projects at any given time. If you have Squirrel Syndrome, you know how quickly something new may divert your focus. It's crucial to pick three goals and commit to achieving them during the entire quarter by keeping aside time each week to focus on them.

6. Begin modestly

I have a list of manageable, short-term goals on a whiteboard in my office to keep from being overwhelmed and to ensure I accomplish all of my quarterly goals. It's far simpler to finish small jobs and go on to the next one than trying to finish big ones. It's easier to stay motivated and focused by breaking each project into manageable components.

7. Take a Break

This can be challenging for someone with a strong sense of purpose. Take a break to think and relax after the 90 days are up. Even though it may seem paradoxical, taking a break allows you to focus better, take a step back, and consider your next course of action. Reflecting on what worked and didn't over a break enables you to tweak your quarterly planning strategy continuously.

8. Be Responsive

You might feel like focusing on other less important goals when things are difficult.  Be responsive to the coaches, mentors, and family members who will encourage you to continue. Additionally, set aside some time each day to remind yourself of the initial motivation for your objective. Reconnect daily with your "Why." When you're not receiving the outcomes you wish, this will assist in keeping you motivated. It doesn't have to take much time either; spend 2 minutes drinking your coffee, picturing yourself having achieved your goal and how it will make you feel.

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Luke Fitzpatrick

Tech Expert

Luke Fitzpatrick has been published in Forbes, Yahoo! News and Influencive. He is also a guest lecturer at the University of Sydney, lecturing in Cross-Cultural Management and the Pre-MBA Program. You can connect with him on LinkedIn.

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