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5 years

Design Thinking for Creative Problem Solving is The New Way of Teaching

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.

5 years

Do What You Think You Can't Do

Opinions are like a well, you know how rest of it goes. For instance, opinion such as this one. Change scares people. Perhaps rightly so, because change is seemingly a threatening phenomenon. It pushes people out of their comfort zones, forces them to readjust their view of the world and consequently their thought patterns.

5 years

How to Generate the Perfect Brand Colour Palette

Every colour has a meaning triggering a special emotional response.

5 years

Find the Root Cause of the Problem & Fix It

In August 1854, there was a deadly outbreak of cholera in the Soho district of central London. Cholera leads to diarrhoea, vomiting, dehydration, and in many cases to death. Thousands of people fell ill and over 600 died.

5 years

Before 2020 Challenge — What are you Going to Accomplish?

This article is different from most of my articles in the past because I’m issuing a challenge to everyone that wants to push themselves: The #Before2020 challenge. What are you going to push yourself to achieve before the year 2020?

5 years

3 Innovative Ways Organizations Can Use Video to EduMarket

If you haven’t heard of Gary Vaynerchuk (@Garyvee on twitter), you’re missing out. Gary is a best-selling author and social media expert. He has built a highly successful strategic creative agency helping businesses maximize social media in today’s crazy and noisy world. I would highly recommend you consume everything he’s put out. He has enough video content on the YouTube to keep you engaged well-beyond your Netflix Daredevil binge. In one of his articles, “The Rise of Video Marketing on Social and How if Affects Your Business,” Gary says,

5 years

How to Find Your Real Business Purpose

What a week! Meltdown in Westminster, no sign of a resolution to the endless Brexit calamity, fires burning in the Amazon, disaster in the Bahamas, Hong Kong paralysed by discontent. Uncertainty has become the new normal. It feels like the world is in uncharted territory.