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4 years

7 Effective Steps To Increase Your Close Rate

Do you twitch when someone mentions sales? What’s your first thought? Sleazy second-hand car dealers? Dodgy double-glazing salesmen? Stealing lollipops from small children? 

4 years

How to Get the Best Results From Your Sales Team

OK – here’s a simple question. Do you have a sales problem? Not enough new customers buying your products? Are salespeople consistently missing their targets? If you’re leading a company with the potential to grow, this is incredibly frustrating. I get it. It needs fixing. And fast.

4 years

Think Outside the Control Panel: How to Stay Employable in a Digitally Disruptive World

While there is a “generational war” between the young and the old in the workplace created by the younger generation’s familiarity with technology and the older generation’s aversion to it, a multigenerational concern that plagues all age groups is that technology will outpace humans, leaving many unemployed.

4 years

6 Simple Phrases Every Employee Needs to Hear From Their Boss

Managers are constantly communicating with their employees to transfer knowledge and information.

4 years

The Best Guide To Growth Hacking a Freelance Business

If you ever Google “growth hacking strategies”, all you’ll find are the strategies that can skyrocket sales for a business or an organization.

4 years

Why is Content Marketing A Must For Any Marketing Strategy?

Content marketing is important as a marketing strategy to build your brand.

4 years

5 Elements of a Successful Business Website

Modern web designing is all about enhancing the user experience.