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5 years

What's Your Leadership Style?

Real frustration had set in. My team wasn't meeting my expectations. I felt like we were in quicksand and the more we struggled, the deeper we sank.

5 years

Five Leadership Limitations & Their Fixes

Here is what I have observed as to the five most common (sales) leadership limitations:

5 years

How to Use Digital Technologies to Teach Students

Today’s rapid expansion of information technologies into human life refashions the traditional approaches we take. Devised by people with bottomless creativity and boundless intelligence, IT tools streamline our lives and enable us to explore the world around more fruitfully. Infiltrating every major realm of the modern world, the technological revolution could never leave behind one of the most significant spheres of today: education. Yes, the implementation of digital innovations in teaching provides educators with cutting-edge machinery for boosting and modernizing the studying process.

5 years

Hire Great People and then Empower Them

Talking about his film, ‘To Rome with Love’, Woody Allen said, ‘I’ve got great people, and they make me look good. 

5 years

Business Leadership Imperative: What You Need to Know

Have you ever wished you could predict the future? What would you do if you could clearly see critical changes in the months and years ahead and use them to shape your future instead of just letting it unfold by default?

5 years

6 Simple Ways To Future Proof Your Career

So what exactly what do we mean when we say ‘future-proofing your career’? It’s about preparing yourself for the ways in which your job may change over time. Future-proofing is about continued learning, technology, and being at the forefront of any developments in your industry. It’s also about remaining a sought after candidate within your field. Generally speaking, there are a few simple ways in which you can take steps to future proof your career. 

5 years

How Self-Driving Cars Will Affect Car Insurance

They may not quite be hitting the mainstream just yet, but work continues to be done to bring self-driving cars closer to completion. Trials of these driverless vehicles have already been carried out across the world with mixed results. So, what’s going to happen when self-driving cars do hit the mainstream?