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4 years

The Big Things That Slow A Business Down

It feels like speed is always the name of the game in business.

4 years

Living A Good Life Even With Disability

Living life with chronic illness can be a difficult and often lonely road. If you’re unable to work and you are spending a lot of your time at home, things can feel very isolating and you may even lose the desire to socialise. Living your best life whilst having chronic illness is no easy task. If you’re severely disabled, life becomes difficult getting around and navigating public transport and public areas. There are some ways to make your life a little easier and ensure that you have everything you need at home that will make you feel a little more secure.

4 years

Combat Unpredictable Change with Anticipation

It is often assumed that people don’t like change, when in reality humans are born to instinctively love change. It’s why we take vacations and crave travel, because we want and need change. We must get out of our usual surroundings and witness something new in order to regain focus and refresh our perspectives. In this case, change is a choice, so we like it.

4 years

Tackling a Career Change in 2020

Deciding to tackle a career change can be tough. If you’ve been in a career for a long time, you might worry about starting again, learning new skills, meeting new people and taking a leap. Even if you are newly qualified, you might wonder if a career change is the right thing, especially if you spent a lot of time and money studying or training to get to where you are. 

4 years

The Biggest Leadership Trends to Know for 2020

Becoming a great leader requires taking proactive steps to improve your leadership capabilities. But there's more to it than that.

4 years

5 Reasons To Try Influencer Marketing

As a growing business, you’ll be well aware of the criticality of great marketing. Competition is fierce regardless of which industry you operate in. To ensure that you stand out and get noticed, it’s vital to keep brainstorming new strategies and keeping up with the latest marketing tactics. Influencer marketing campaigns have gained increased popularity over the last few years. For those considering jumping on the bandwagon, here are five good reasons you should.

4 years

3 Marketing Principles You Need For Any Startup

Starting your own business is neither as hard as it may seem from the outside, nor as easy as many modern entrepreneurs like to make it sound. The truth is that if you have skills that you can sell, and the work ethic to make them pay, you can run a business. With that said, it will take time and effort. You will lose days and evenings trying to make it happen, and at times you will want to give up. This is something which becomes clear to anyone who tries to make a business work - and if you get past the tough times, you’ll find that it gives you a fresh perspective that comes in useful in the future.