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7 years

Common Mistakes Small Businesses Need to Avoid

If you watch the market closely, you will see a large number of businesses that are unable to establish a strong foothold for their business in the market. There are many well-established businesses or startups which need to focus on establishing themselves better. So, a business must avoid certain mistakes when starting out, as establishing a foothold is a risky task and the tiniest mistakes can ruin your initial process.

7 years

How to Measure the Success of your Business Idea

The definition of success is different for every person. Your ideas of success may work perfectly for you in your personal life but the same logic may not be applicable when it comes to measuring the success of your business. Simply enjoying your work will not ensure a great future for your business. It is necessary to regularly analyze where your business stands currently, where it is headed and what you can do to improve it. This is imperative in building a foundation for what you want to accomplish in future.

7 years

How the Law of Opposites Propels Business Forward

Being anticipatory often boils down to the ability to see what everyone else misses. How can you do that? One way is to simply look where no one else happens to be looking.

7 years

Why Female Entrepreneurs Can Lead Future Business Success

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article on Inc about U.S entrepreneurship being at a 40-year low. Research suggests that there are are some seeds of growth and the latest studies have highlighted that female entrepreneurship will provide one of the best routes to future business success.

7 years

What is the Need for Customer Relationship Management ?

What is CRM? If you are associated with a business, then you’ve probably heard the term “Customer Relationship Management”. Successful businesses are familiar with this term in every aspect. There are millions of registered businesses, but have you ever thought how many of them are truly reaping the benefits of customer relationship management and understand the importance of customer relationship management in their business?

7 years

What is Your Guest Blogging Strategy for 2018?

Guest blogging was a concept that caught on like wild fire some years ago. However marketers now question its advantages with every passing year. Former Googler Matt Cutts had declared guest blogging dead in 2014. This statement does not need to be taken literally. He did not mean that bloggers should not write content for outside publications, but that guest blogging to get links had been overdone.

7 years

What Technologies Employers Are Investing in for 2018 and Beyond

Although most candidates could care less about the technologies companies have in place to empower their candidate journey from before they apply to being hired on, when the tech doesn't work right, negative candidate resentment can certainly increase. Having the right technologies in place combined with sound recruiting processes and savvy talent acquisition professionals can keep employers competitive in today’s tight job market for full-time, part-time and contingent candidates.

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