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7 years

Can Biometrics Save the High Street?

For physical shops hoping to compete with online retailers, data and biometrics offer new hope. But success is only possible with a razor-sharp focus on the customer experience.

7 years

Work Life Balance - Myth or Possibility ?

Work life balance is an often quoted term in our lives. It is defined as “the division of one's time and focus between working and family or leisure activities”.

7 years

To Hell with Your CV

Off lately I have been finding the mention of ‘entrepreneurship’ at every other article, talk, paper etc that I come across. Recently I read a post that said, “Everybody must learn to think entrepreneurially!” I so agree with that.

7 years

The Internal Revenue Service - Why Politicians Love It

If the Senate passing a budget has moved the needle towards passing tax reform and, assuming the closed-door drafting of coherent tax legislation produces something that lawmakers can read and understand, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will have to start administering new rules very quickly indeed if any aspects of the new law are retroactive to 2016. It is worth looking at the IRS and its role to see if it is likely to be up to the task.

7 years

How Cyrus Mistry was Fired as Tata Chairman

On 24 October 2016, Cyrus was in his Bombay House 4th floor office examining what seemed like a routine agenda for the Tata Sons board meeting that was scheduled to start in five minutes at 14:00 hours. Through the grapevine, Cyrus had heard that some of the board members had an unscheduled informal meeting earlier that morning. However, what they had discussed was unknown, and as such, he did not give it much further thought. The previous week had been business as usual with trips to China and Singapore to meet partners and investors.

7 years

What the NHS can learn about innovation from Uber

The need for smart, creative and affordable solutions is growing fast as the UK healthcare crisis deepens. Uber demonstrates how design-led innovation can drive industries forward.

7 years

Brexit – Mind the Gap

Difficult and prolonged negotiations between the UK and EU27 have not resulted in any trade deal as yet and the prospects to reach a deal by 2019 look pretty slim. And how can it? When British parliament and it’s MP’s cannot even agree on a common approach to Brexit, how to move forward?

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