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6 years

Base Rate Neglect and Why Do we Fall for it?

I recently finished reading "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman. It is one of the best books I have read in my life, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone. Daniel Kahneman talks in a riveting manner about various cognitive biases and fallacies that influence our thinking. These fallacies and biases hinder us from making rational and correct decisions. The book is full of interesting examples and case studies. One fallacy particularly appealed to me. It is known as base rate neglect. 

6 years

8 Ways to Focus your B2B Tech Launch in APAC

"Your mission if you choose to accept it is to launch and scale the company in Asia-Pacific. We look forward to you delivering triple-digit growth over the next five years. As always, should you or any of your team fail, we’ll disavow any knowledge of your actions. This post will self-destruct in 600 seconds." 

6 years

The Concept of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is an innovative concept that is helping buyers become more informed than ever. Through different database-driven distribution online channels, products and services are promoted online to reach consumers in an appropriate, significant and customised manner. Traditional sales methods and face-to-face marketing are quickly becoming obsolete.

7 years

Key Takeaways on Sales Transformation in Singapore

People battling on the front lines of the sales industry know that sales has undergone a seismic transformation during the last 20 years. I recall the times when the industry emphasised the effective presentation of products – aka ‘The push’ – before the trend emerged for sales businesses to become more consultative or solution-based. What’s the current state-of-play within the sales industry – and how do developments pertain specifically to Singapore?

7 years

Who is Your Ideal Customer?

Who is your ideal customer? An ideal customer is someone who has some sort of emotional connection with your brand other than their love for products/services offered by your business.

7 years

The Types of Angel Investors

As an entrepreneur who has worked and raised funds with and from several angel investors, I have had a vast amount of experience in meeting various types of investors. Each angel is unique with different motivations for investing and different expectations from you, as an entrepreneur. By learning about the different kinds of investors, you will able to better understand their rationale and meet their expectations. That being said, there is one common factor among all angel investors: their money is theirs. This may seem like an obvious fact, but people often forget the value of someone else’s money since it is easier to spend. Simply put, with every expense, think twice because it is not your money.

7 years

Most Valuable Job Research Channels

Today, the candidate experience begins during talent attraction and sourcing, before question #1 on any application is ever filled out. Attracting candidates is one area of talent acquisition that has been overlooked in the past; yet, it is arguably the most important since it prepares organizations for current talent needs as well as future talent needs. It also gives candidates that first impression of an employer.

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