Pushkar Singh Management Expert

Pushkar has an extensive experience in Management Consulting and Financial Services. He has a strong background in financial modeling, quantitative analysis and critical thinking. He has a proven record in successful sales strategies and marketing initiatives designed to increase revenue. Thanks to his refined relationship-building skills, he can work collaboratively with both clients and colleagues from different teams. Pushkar holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and Management from Manipal University and a Master’s Degree in Business and Management from the Indian Institute of Management, Indore. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). 


Predicting Innovations and Technology

I often read articles and reports on the "demise of a particular technology", "the future of technology", and similar topics. Industry "experts" and "think tanks" love crystal–gazing, but they use complicated terminology to conceal it under the veil of science.


How to Avoid Buying on Impulse

We live in a world where advertising is omnipresent. It has pervaded every corner of our lives and made it impossible stepping out of our houses without seeing billboards advertising phones, shoes, burgers or something else.


Base Rate Neglect and Why Do we Fall for it?

I recently finished reading "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman. It is one of the best books I have read in my life, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone. Daniel Kahneman talks in a riveting manner about various cognitive biases and fallacies that influence our thinking. These fallacies and biases hinder us from making rational and correct decisions. The book is full of interesting examples and case studies. One fallacy particularly appealed to me. It is known as base rate neglect. 


How Does Advertising Work?

I am currently reading "Antifragile" by Nasim Taleb and find his take on big corporations interesting. He argues, convincingly, that most big corporations sell us useless or even harmful products, mostly through advertising. This set me thinking about the motives of advertising and its mechanisms. An idea came to me, and I made a matrix or quadrant to explain the mechanisms of advertising. This method is inspired by the "Johari Window" (known - unknown quadrant). Let’s call it Need vs. Awareness Quadrant for a lack of better word or creativity on my part.

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