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6 years

The 5 Business Lessons I learnt from the Zara Founder

I read an amazing write up about the world’s richest man – Amancio Ortega in the latest issue of the Economist, and was humbled to learn five critical lessons from his story:

6 years

Alexa, How Far Are You Going with Customer Convenience?

“Alexa, order batteries.” “Hey Cortana, add milk to my grocery list!” “Okay Google, what are best deals at Walmart today?” While a substantial chunk of avant-garde tech-savvy consumers will have already smelled out what’s been cooking here, allow me explicate for my technology-challenged readers, somewhat like me.

6 years

Please, Stop Freaking Out About a Crypto Crash

Too much rhetoric isn't good for crypto. OK, so first off, despite what Jordan Belfort, Robert Schiller, Joseph Stiglitz and other so called financial gurus say, it is important to understand that they have a high chance of being right whatever they say.

6 years

7 Ways to Retain your Customers

It is often said that getting customers is easy, what is hard is to retain them. To maintain and grow the success of your business you must learn how to retain your customers. The easiest way to do this is to first identify the factors that attracted users to your brand in the first place. Once you identify what works in attracting your customers, try to utilize it fully and generate more ideas revolving around it.

6 years

Importance of Twitter Polls for Businesses

Twitter is unfortunately no longer the most successful social media marketing platform today.

6 years

Culture Building Activities for Small Businesses

You may have come across the term company culture or read about it in blogs or books on management.

6 years

Artificial Intelligence in 2018

In 2017, AI was everywhere. It seemed like every company added “AI” to their software whether it truly leveraged artificial intelligence or not. So let’s start with a definition of AI. Merriam-Webster defines it as 1) a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers, and 2) the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior. Put through that basic filter, I believe we will see a big “AI Shakeout” in 2018.

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