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6 years

4 Tips to Initiate a Social Media Marketing Campaign

Social media marketing allows businesses to interact with their target audience via the internet through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. The evolution of the digital world helped these platforms become game changers in the marketing spectrum.

6 years

Why People Leave Their Manager and What You Can Do About It

At the end of the meeting, my soon to be ex-colleague sat across the table from me and said something I will never forget “I didn’t know what my job was, why I was doing it and how I was doing.” It was those words that summarized almost exactly why the cliche “People leave managers, not companies” is true. Reality had set in, she was leaving me, not the business. 

6 years

One Thing You Can Learn From Jordan Spieth to Be Successful in Business

Jordan Spieth is on the verge of making golf history. At just the ripe age of 24, Spieth has won three legs of the career Grand Slam (winning all 4 professional golf majors).

6 years

7 Digital Marketing Ideas for Startups to Succeed

Digital marketing is changing the face of the business world. It is ever evolving and a very important part in establishing businesses in today’s digital era. Big or small, our technology-driven environment requires all brands and businesses to have a strong online presence.

6 years

6 Simple Habits that Change Managers into Effective Leaders

The debate about the difference between a manager and leader has been settled. Without question, there is a difference in both definition and behavior.

6 years

The Disrupted or the Disruptor: Pick One

What comes to mind when you hear the term “disrupt”? Does it suggest chaos, lack of direction or other unsettling events?

6 years

5 Tips on How to Make a Website Look Professional

A business website is the representation of a brand. Not every online visitor is your customer. So, you need to be a problem solver for your niche specific audience. Remember, these visitors may or may not revisit your business website, depending on the kind of experience they've had the first time.

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