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6 years

How to Manage a Frustrated Innovation Team

Many executives talk a lot about innovation, but they don't really know how to make it happen. A corporate innovation team asks themselves: How do we "educate" our executives on innovation management and develop stronger corporate innovation capabilities together?

6 years

Intrapreneurship: An Overlooked Tool for Growth

In 1992, The American Heritage Dictionary acknowledged the popular use of a new word, intrapreneur, to mean “a person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation.

6 years

Hard Trends Are Easy to Find If You Know Where to Look

A well-worn cliché says there are only two things you can be certain about: death and taxes. With apologies to those who agree with that statement, there are many, many more examples of out-and-out certainties.

6 years

What Really Motivates Entrepreneurs?

It seems that entrepreneurial spirit is alive and kicking with a reported 62% of U.S citizens wishing to establish their own business. A recent report by Vistaprint delves into the reasons why Americans want to launch their own venture and some of the results may surprise you...

6 years

6 Characteristics of a Good Digital Branding Company

What is digital brand building? How can you initiate a successful digital brand building campaign? When should you hire a digital branding consultant?

6 years

7 Choices the Best Leaders Make in Order to Be Successful

Traditional corporate leadership approaches adopted by many organizations over the last 50 years use a top down hierarchical approach, where managers are ultimate authority figures over their people. While the tide has gradually shifted towards a more modern approach of servant leadership, unfortunately we still have a long way to go.

6 years

7 Essential Tips for Using Twitter for Business

Twitter is a microblogging service and social network rolled into one. It enables its users to send and read each other's updates known as tweets. With the number of monthly active Twitter users beyond 330 million, it is not surprising that it is valued at $16 billion!

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