Halifax Digital Festival is Relaunched to Close Yorkshire’s Digital Skill Gap

Halifax Digital Festival is Relaunched to Close Yorkshire’s Digital Skill Gap

Daniel Hall 23/05/2024
Halifax Digital Festival is Relaunched to Close Yorkshire’s Digital Skill Gap

AND Digital has partnered with Calderdale Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority to relaunch the Halifax Digital Festival from May 21-23.

The festival aims to support the growing digital sector and close the skills gap in Yorkshire.

The festival's role is to address talent shortages and digital demand, aiming to unite businesses, the public sector, and educational organisations to adopt growth and share knowledge. The festival is set against the backdrop of Halifax's proximity to major cities like Leeds and Manchester, highlighting its unique potential for digital growth.

The Festival Committee has worked to ensure a diverse mix of participants, emphasising community and inclusivity. Jeremy Hall of Dean Clough Ltd. highlights Calderdale's unique appeal for work-life balance, seeing the festival as a catalyst for future growth and innovation in the community.

The first day of the festival focuses on Digital Skills, ending with a marketplace for networking with employers. Day 2 concentrates on Gen AI and Data, featuring expert insights, and the third day focuses on Theme of Customer Centricity, concluding with a drinks reception.This programme features panel talks, roundtables, seminars, tutorials, and a career-focused event. Jane Spencer of Calderdale Council sees it as a chance to network, upskill, and celebrate local talent.

Tickets are free, including breakfast, lunch, and refreshments. 

Stephen Paterson, Chief for Technology and People at AND Digital, commented:“Digital has no boundaries, technology can open up business opportunities for local communities to help distribute economic prosperity across the UK. Digital skills, such as generative AI and data, therefore play a crucial role and events including the Halifax Digital Festival act as great training grounds to close the skills gap.  

Education plays a vital part in developing future digital skills, and we have a strong commitment from the Department of Education at the festival demonstrating the importance of training and upskilling for the country. We are delighted to be working with Calderdale Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority to relaunch the Halifax Digital Festival, to share knowledge around digital skills and boost the digital industry in Halifax.”

About AND Digital: AND Digital is on a mission to close the world’s digital skills gap. Our award-winning approach to talent development makes us the go-to digital partner for some of the world’s most renowned organisations. By working collaboratively; we help you deliver value faster today, and strengthen your in-house capabilities for independence tomorrow.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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