Monetary Policy Keeps Rates Unchanged

Monetary Policy Keeps Rates Unchanged

Anuj Puri 05/02/2021 3
Monetary Policy Keeps Rates Unchanged

As expected, the repo rate and the reverse repo rates remained unchanged while maintaining an accommodative stance.

With consumer inflation still trending at the upper end of the apex bank’s band, and the policy repo rate also being substantially reduced by 115 basis points since February 2020, RBI kept the rates on hold, with an eye on how the inflation and the economic recovery pans out in the coming months.

Advance estimates indicate that the Indian economy may contract as much as 7.7% in FY2020-21 due to the pandemic. 

In such a scenario, one would usually expect RBI to cut repo rates in order to boost consumption.

Certainly, the real estate industry always aspires for reduced interest rates.

Housing demand is reviving, and this demand needs to be fostered.

However, the RBI's current stance is absolutely justified, given the unique circumstances. 

We are certain that rates will be adjusted favourably once the pandemic exigencies ease.

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  • Kumar Mohit

    They must soon adjust rates to revive the housing market.

  • Dhule Kashyap

    Great info

  • Amy Gardner

    RBI has steadied the ship, good for them.

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Anuj Puri

Real Estate Expert

Anuj Puri, Chairman of ANAROCK Group is a highly respected industry authority and thought leader with 30 years' experience in leveraging Indian and global real estate opportunities. His company ANAROCK has a staff complement of over 1800 qualified and experienced professional, with offices in all major markets in the country, dedicated services in Dubai and a global footprint with over 80,000 preferred channel partners.

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