Sally Eaves Tech Expert

Dr. Sally Eaves is a highly experienced Chief Technology Officer, Professor in Advanced Technologies and a Global Strategic Advisor on Digital Transformation specialising in the application of emergent technologies, notably AI, FinTech, Blockchain & 5G disciplines, for business transformation and social impact at scale. An international Keynote Speaker and Author, Sally was an inaugural recipient of the Frontier Technology and Social Impact award, presented at the United Nations in 2018 and has been described as the ‘torchbearer for ethical tech’ founding Aspirational Futures to enhance inclusion, diversity and belonging in the technology space and beyond.

Driving and Authenticating ESG Initiatives: Lessons from Dell Technologies

Driving and Authenticating ESG Initiatives: Lessons from Dell Technologies

ESG initiatives have become essential for companies aiming to integrate ethical principles into their core business operations.

UK Cybersecurity – AI Risk Meets AI Opportunity

UK Cybersecurity – AI Risk Meets AI Opportunity

The UK faces a critical moment as AI integration brings both vast opportunities and daunting challenges.

The 5G Revolution: Empowered by AI and Automation in the Telecommunications Sector

The 5G Revolution is Empowered by AI and Automation in the Telecommunications Sector

The convergence of artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation has ushered a transformative era in the telecom sector.

BT's Sustainability Festival: Insights and COP28 Call to Action

BT's Sustainability Festival: Insights and COP28 Call to Action

A resounding call to action echoed through the BT's sustainability festival, urging participants to contribute to a sustainable ecosystem.


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