More in Science

5 years

Ultra-Processed Food Makes Us Fat: Forewarned, But Not Forearmed

Ultraprocessed foods make us overeat, and get fat. Who knew? Well, the food industry almost certainly knew- and in principle, we knew that they knew. We were told. We were told fairly recently, and emphatically. But we were told before, too- nearly 15 years ago.

5 years

Disservice Department, How May I Help You?

5 rings: Welcome to our patient sickcare disservice department. Your business is important to us, so please wait for a disservice representative to take your call. The average wait time is 35 minutes. (musak on phone: Press 1 for jazz, 2 for classical or 3 for rock ). Many of your questions can be answered on this website, where we dis not just patients, but doctors too.

5 years

Winning the Ovary Lottery

Robert H. Frank is a Cornell economist who was one of the 2% of patients who survived an episode of sudden cardiac death. He attributes it to dumb luck, given that an ambulance happened to be only a few minutes from where he suffered his attack. So, you can understand why he would write a book entitled, “Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy.”

5 years

What Does It Take to Launch a Rocket Into Space?

We've been staring at the stars for as long as there have been human beings on this planet, but it wasn't until the 1960s when we finally managed to get there. What does it take to bring thousands of pounds of a rocket, plus its payload, into orbit? Let's take a closer look at how rockets work and what it takes to launch one successfully.

5 years

Diet, RCTs, and the Religion-izing of Science: Even Good Tools Can Be Used Badly

I won a debate this past week. I was pleased to win- despite a crowd mostly hostile to my position at the start, and frequent shifts by my opponent from both reason and the stipulated resolution to derisive innuendo and outright aspersions hurled at my character- because the ostensible topic, food and health, is of enormous importance. That topic is more than ample reason in its own right to weather the slings and arrows of iniquitous confrontation, and take one for the team. How we eat has implications for countless years in countless lives, countless life in countless years, and the fate of the planet.

5 years

The Digital Health Value Ladder

Creating a digital health company these days is easy. Creating one that adds value and that is scaleable is not. The process is fail it, nail it, scale and sale it and that means you have to climb the various rungs of the value building ladder. You do that by:

5 years

If Data is the New Oil, Sick Care is the New Coal

It's been said that data is the new oil that is fueling the 4th industrial revolution. Others disagree. However, while the business models and value chains of oil and data might be different, the metaphor is used to describe the increasing value of data. Transforming into the intelligent, mobile, digital economy has created a lot of pain to many people and made old industrial models, and their employees, obsolete or redundant, much like renewal energy is doing to the coal industry and workers.