More in Science

5 years

3 Ways To Spring Into Fitness

Spring is upon us, and summer will be here before we know it! A lot of people tend to put off fitness during the holiday season, so getting back into the habit of moving your body can seem very daunting. But the good news is, you don’t have to put in hours in the gym every day to achieve optimal health. The most important key is consistency!

5 years

3 Reasons Why You Should Drink Chicory Root

Being someone who loves coffee, chicory root has been an incredible addition to my daily routine. For me personally, I enjoy the comforting feeling of drinking coffee, but when I drink it everyday it makes it difficult for me to sleep, makes me more anxious, and makes me more fatigue during the day. Discovering chicory root was a gamechanger. It has a coffee-like taste, with an incredible list of health benefits.

5 years

How To Help Your Picky Eaters

Parents asking about how to help their “picky eaters” is a question that constantly floods my inbox. And trust me, I get it. Our daughter is 3 years old, she has been plant-based her entire life, and still has times where she is extremely picky! This is totally normal! So don’t beat yourself up! There are steps however, that can assist them through the process.

5 years

Need, Greed, and GMOs: Genuflection in All the Wrong Directions

Images of scientists inserting eye-of-newt genes into escarole, or wool-of-bat genes into watercress stalk the nightmares of pure food proponents, and up to a point- rightly so. Even if the intentions of those tinkering with foods are good- such as putting antifreeze genes from amphibians into oranges so they are not destroyed by an early frost- the law of unintended consequences pertains. There is ample reason, in principle, to be wary of Frankenfoods.

5 years

3 Ways That Dehydration Affects Brain Health

We’ve all heard time and time again, how crucial it is to drink enough water throughout the day. Not only does it assist with weight loss, but more importantly it’s going to affect the functionality of your brain. Your brain controls every function in your body, so being dehydrated can cause many dysfunctions and symptoms.

5 years

The Sickcare Quadratic Equation

Do you remember solving quadratic equations? A quadratic equation is an equation of the second degree, meaning it contains at least one term that is squared. The standard form is ax² + bx + c = 0 with a, b, and c being constants, or numerical coefficients, and x is an unknown variable. One absolute rule is that the first constant "a" cannot be a zero.

5 years

Sugar and Saturated Fat: Feeding the Parasites of Science

First things first: science does not deal in absolutes (I suppose “absolute zero” may be an exception, but frankly, probably not). Famously, everything is relative. Even relativity. Einstein’s groundbreaking theory has been subject to on-going revisions in the minds and machinations of his successors ever since he passed the baton.