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6 years

Health Insurance: Implementing AI towards Better Claims Management

Artificial intelligence strengthens claims management by identifying and correcting errors while avoiding ineffective interventions. The conventional approach to claims management based on defined but non-measurable parameters has been made obsolete by intelligent algorithms that learn from historical cases and continuously evolve. Case managers can screen cases efficiently, evaluate with greater precision and make informed decisions.

6 years

A Call for Sleep

Walking through the dark construction zone of my now demolished kitchen, I made my way to the garage and out into the still, hot, humid July night. The air felt so thick, it was hard to breathe. At 1 am I was headed to the hospital for a patient that just arrived in active labor. On the drive in, I had the air conditioner blasting to cool off the car and to wake the slumber from my head. By the time I reached the bright lights of the hospital 20 minutes later, I was fully awake. It was time to work.

6 years

I Don’t Care if My Doctor Plays Piano

We had an interview dinner for a young doctor recently at the home of one of my partners. We have nearly a hundred doctors in our group and we, frankly, need quite a few more. Board-certified emergency physicians are at a premium and, for the most part, they can throw a dart at the map of the U.S. and practice wherever it lands. After dinner, my wife and I were driving home.

6 years

Nutrients Supplemental to What?

High-profile opinion and commentary about the value of nutrient supplementation, whether directed to the general public, or health professionals is in bountiful supply, and just keeps coming. To some extent, the cadence of such commentary may be likened to the swing of a pendulum: excesses of support (primarily from those marketing supplements) are followed by excesses of opposition (that toss out the baby with the bathwater), until the extremes of action and reaction settle toward a more temperate middle ground.

6 years

Physician Burnout: We All Lose

Despite loving my patients, I burned out. I chose my own quality of life over continuing to work with the chronically mentally ill population that I adored. This patient population is frequently shortchanged with their quality of care and I have joined the ranks of people failing them.

6 years

Horse Sense for Weight Loss

There has been widespread media attention over the past week, some of it my own, to a study published in JAMA that compared low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets for weight loss and health improvement. The study also profiled the genes of the participants to determine if genetic patterns thought to predict success on a given diet assignment did just that. Additionally, the study assessed baseline insulin status, to see if- as some rather vociferously claim- losing weight and finding health are all about restricting carbs to lower insulin, rather than improving diet in general and reducing calories.

6 years

Optogenetics – Innovation in Biotechnology and Neuroscience

How the light and genetics may treat brain disorders in the future? Imagine being able to treat neurodegenerative diseases and mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, PTSD, depression, and anxiety with non-invasive light-based therapy. This is the quest of pioneering scientists and researchers in optogenetics, an emerging field in biotechnology that uses light to control cells in living tissues such as neurons, in order to study brain function.