More in Science

6 years

How to Staff your Healthcare Startup

Every entrepreneur who has succeeded or failed (is there a difference?) has advice about how to get the right people on the bus. What questions should you ask at the interview? What character traits should you seek and how do you do that? How much is science and how much is just going with your gut and whether you click?

6 years

Mobilizing Wireless Mobile Strategies: How Can We Get These Advances to Consumers Safely? - Part 1

Recently, I participated in a workshop at the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, titled “Examining the Impact of Real-World Evidence on Medical Product Development.”

6 years

Dealing with Sleep Issues

Here’s my take on how to best deal with sleep issues. I want to start by saying, please do not take sleep issues lightly. If you’re not getting a good night’s sleep, it’s something that I think should be addressed immediately.

6 years

Pharmacy School: Many Wouldn’t do it Again, I Would.

With the current landscape of the industry, if posed the question, “would you go to pharmacy school again,” many pharmacists may say they’d reconsider. But me? I’d absolutely love to go back to pharmacy school. Heck, I wish I could go back to undergrad, remember all the free time?!

6 years

What are Binaural Beats?

We’ve all seen movies where the main character is trying to reach their highest human potential. Like the film Limitless, where Bradley Cooper takes a secret drug that allows him to use 100% of his brain.

6 years

How to Create Clinical Translational Science Entrepreneurs

Under NCATS’ leadership, the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program supports a national network of medical research institutions — called hubs ― that work together to improve the translational research process to get more treatments to more patients more quickly. The hubs collaborate locally and regionally to catalyze innovation in training, research tools and processes.

6 years

Digital Health Therapeutics Issues and Opportunities

Digital health refers to using information and communications technologies to send or receive medical information. Some provide information and education while others have the intended use of diagnosing or treating a patient with symptoms or a disease. In the latter case, they can be considered a medical device , and, as such, what is more commonly being referred to as a digital therapeutic (DTx).

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