More in Science

6 years

Heart Disease is Not Hypothetical

A commentary published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine contends that saturated fat is uninvolved in coronary artery disease. Before you get too excited: the commentary is comprised only of theory and opinion, none of it new, all of it expressed by these same authors before. The cited support involves no new research either.

6 years

3 Reasons to Make Your Own Deodorant

When I found out that I was pregnant with my daughter Maddox, I knew that although I had been making mostly natural choices when it came to my health, that there were definitely changes that I needed to make to help decrease the toxins in my body. One of these choices was my deodorant. I had known for a while that conventional deodorants are full of toxins, such as aluminium and parabens, but I had yet to find a natural deodorant that actually worked or didn’t dry my skin out.

6 years

Would a Single Payer System End the Need for Physician Entrepreneurship?

A new poll finds that a narrow majority of Americans support the idea of a single-payer health care system.

6 years

Prostate Screening Gets Personal

I can guess what some of you must be thinking: what do you mean, gets personal? Wasn’t prostate screening already quite personal? What, after all, could be more personal than an examining finger inserted into your…well, you know where the prostate is.

6 years

Why Everything We Know About Salt May Not Be Wrong

A New York Times column offered us this provocative headline: Why Everything We Know About Salt May Be Wrong. Presumably that means- it may be right, too. Hence, my counter-headline.

6 years

The Interoperability Challenge

Remember the days when your Apple computer couldn't talk to a PC or use the same software? In a few short years, the IT industry solved the problem. Wouldn't it be nice if the sick care IT community could do the same?

6 years

Obesity, and the Limits of Imagination

The issue (January 16, 2018) of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) was devoted to the topic of obesity. On the one hand, we may be thankful this intractable public health scourge is receiving the high level attention it deserves. On the other, we may lament the need for such attention in 2018, so many years and decades into a problem we created, and which we have known all along how to address and prevent if ever we mustered the will.

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