More in Science

6 years

Zip Codes of Medical Destiny

When the PURE diet study papers roiled headlines around the world recently, I wrote an admittedly lengthy analysis. I didn’t feel I had much choice; the publications encompassed three distinct research papers, reams of data, and a whole lot of what proved to be mostly misguided interpretation of the findings by the media, and the investigators themselves. Getting the story sorted out reliably involved some heavy lifting, and considerable verbiage.

6 years

Personalise Patient Decision Support Systems

A clinical decision support system (CDSS) is a health information technology system that is designed to provide physicians and other health professionals with clinical decision support (CDS), that is, assistance with clinical decision-making tasks. A working definition has been proposed by Robert Hayward of the Centre for Health Evidence: "Clinical decision support systems link health observations with health knowledge to influence health choices by clinicians for improved health care". CDSSs constitute a major topic in artificial intelligence in medicine.

6 years

Personalizing Medicine, Past Reductionism

Personalizing medicine is among the salient themes of modern advance, and clearly among the more widely captivating. President Obama emphasized “precision medicine,” effectively the same thing, as a priority for the nation in the context of the cancer moonshot he endorsed in his State of the Union Address in 2016. In the past year, two radical cancer treatment advances have been announced, one for leukemia, one for lymphoma, both involving the genetic re-engineering of a patient’s own cells into customized chemotherapy.

6 years

Data Driven Drug Pricing and More

Value based care means data driven care, whether it be clinical care, drugs, devices or digital therapeutics. Consequently, we are seeing convergent products that not only deliver, but measure the results as part of a whole product solution that drives and measures not only compliance and adherence, but results and pricing.

6 years

Dear Healthcare Professional, Don’t Take It Personal

Being a healthcare provider is really hard. Here’s one way to make it easier. Being a healthcare provider means it’s highly likely that the people we take care of on a daily basis are sick.

6 years

Boardsmanship 101

A very long time ago, I can remember walking into the Palmer House in Chicago to take my board examination administered by the American Board of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology...yes, that's how long ago it was when both boards were combined. Remember EENT's?

6 years

Animal Protein as Perpetrator: The Challenge in Indicting the Right Nutrient

A study recently published in the International Journal of Epidemiology by researchers at Loma Linda University in California, and the Université Paris-Saclay, in Paris, France reports noteworthy health benefit from plant protein, and significant harms from animal protein. Just such diverging effects of this one nutrient class based on its delivery sources has a rather storied history, figuring prominently, for example, in The China Study. Among others, T. Colin Campbell contends in that book that much of the harm attributed to the saturated fat in animal foods is, in fact, due to the protein instead.

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