More in Science

2 years
2 years

Neuroscience | Consciousness: Death Centers in the Brain?

There was a study showing what happens in the brain moments before death. This study advanced understanding towards the end of life.

2 years

Brain Science: 988 & Mechanisms of Mental Health

Viewing and creating art helps alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

2 years

Neuroscience: Plant-Based, Synthetic Drugs and Suicide Overdose

What does it really mean when a drug user says the need for it is to clear the head?

2 years

Cognitive Neuroscience: Synesthesia, Neuroimaging and Memory Groups

Some people hear colors and see sounds — this is an experience collectively described as synesthesia.

2 years

Brain Science: Thalamus, Mental Health Ports & Sleep Research

There is a paper, “the role of the thalamus in sleep, pineal melatonin production, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders”, describing how thalamus has an effect on sleep.

2 years

Neuroscience: Memory-Genetics Pathogenesis Juggle | Infectious Diseases

Genetics is a factor across a spectrum of disease origin [or pathogenesis], but when pointers like environmental factors [or exposome], diet, physical activity, stress and lifestyle are identified as probable causes, the memory — likely — ignored something or could not act where it should have leading to the condition.