More in Science

2 years

Brain Science: Memory | Controlling Intrusive & Unwanted Thoughts?

A recent study, “If you don’t let it in, you don’t have to get it out: thought preemption as a method to control unwanted thoughts” detailed that it is possible to control unwanted thoughts.

2 years

Brain Science & Neurotechnology: Neuroplasticity Stylus for Mental Health & Psychiatry

It is possible to define some mental illnesses as negative [continuous] neuroplasticity.

2 years

Psychopharmacology, Computational Psychiatry & Minimum Mental Health

How does thought emerge and transport across the brain?

2 years

5 Simple Things You Can Do For Your Health Today

In today's world, it seems like everyone is always busy.

2 years

Neuroscience & Sleep: Are Brain Waves Consciousness?

A recent study, “reduced neural feedback signaling despite robust neuron and gamma auditory responses during human sleep” explored the role of alpha beta waves to awareness — from auditory signals — in the brain.

2 years
2 years

Neuroscience | Consciousness: Death Centers in the Brain?

There was a study showing what happens in the brain moments before death. This study advanced understanding towards the end of life.