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2 years

Preventive Medicine in a Pandemic: of Cart and Horse

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recently made their customary headlines- in public health circles, at least- by concluding they really couldn’t conclude much about the value of lifestyle counseling in primary care.

2 years

3 Industries that Can Use AI to Peek Into the Future

Artificial intelligence (AI) can peek into the future of various sectors including agriculture, aviation and agriculture. 

2 years

Covid-19 Was a Dry Run . . . We Still Aren’t Ready

Covid-19 was a dry run . . . It was kind of a fire drill for what has yet to come, and the truth is we still aren’t ready.

2 years

Using AI and Computer Vision to Reduce Misinformation on the Web

The spread of misinformation via deepfakes, document manipulation and false narratives is fairly common on the internet today.

2 years

A Robot Performs Laparoscopic Surgery Without Human Help

A robot has successfully performed laparoscopic surgery on a pig without human intervention for the first time.

2 years

How Augmented Reality is Helping Disabled People

Scientists are implementing augmented reality (AR) to help disabled persons.

2 years

The Forgotten Pandemic: The Shortage of Nurses

She puts her hand on the shoulder of her patient... 'I'm here'.  After she gave the medication the patient burst into tears about not being able to be with her husband who needs care on a daily basis.