How to Get Things Done with Anxiety

How to Get Things Done with Anxiety

Daniel Hall 27/11/2023
How to Get Things Done with Anxiety

Living with anxiety can be constantly challenging.

What would be easy and simple for someone else may be scary for someone who has serious anxiety. They may be looking at everything that could go wrong, and that makes it difficult to complete basic tasks, run errands, and get things done that most other people accomplish without even thinking too much about it.

If you are being treated for anxiety, then please follow your medical expert’s advice. For some practical everyday advice to help you accomplish more even when you have severe anxiety, keep on reading.

Do What You Can Until You Can’t


You have heard it said before that we should know our limits, and that’s the essence of this piece of advice. At the same time, don’t think just about your limits. Challenge yourself and try to do what you can. Those tasks that seem daunting may only be daunting in theory and not in practice. Those things that feel impossible may not seem so impossible once you start to do them. Try to do the things you need to get done, starting work on the tasks that are necessary each day, like cleaning, cooking, working, paying bills, and caring for your family.

But once you hit your limit or feel like your limit is approaching, then take a step back and give yourself a moment to rest and reflect. From there, you can determine if you might need some help finishing what you started if you began to clean the house but now feel overwhelmed and stressed out, it is okay to get some help. Contact a service in Miami that offers house cleaning and have them do the parts you could not tidy. If you feel like any other task is more than you can handle, think about who would be able to help you and reach out to them. You will be glad you accomplished what you did, even if it was only a portion of the full task.

Organize and List Out Tasks

The responsibilities we have can seem so much more daunting in our minds than they actually are. If you feel overwhelmed and stressed by all that you have to do, try creating a list of tasks for the day or the week. This will take some of the load off your mind because you won’t have to remember all you have to do. You won’t be worried that you will forget important tasks because you will have it all written down. You can set reminders on your phone as well to tell you when to accomplish certain tasks.

As you make a schedule and create a list of tasks, be sure to mark them off as you do them. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and boost your confidence. You will feel more empowered to do the things you need to do. It won’t always be easy to get through your essential tasks for the day, but working from a list should make things easier, keep you more organized and help you to take things one at a time.

With anxiety, people can often feel overwhelmed by their many responsibilities and many stressors. To-do lists help them to focus on just one thing and leave the rest on the list until it is time to do them.

Take Occasional De-Stressing Breaks

Your break time should be a chance to relax and get rid of some of the stress, and you should take breaks no matter what kind of activity you are doing. If you are not resting like you should, though, then you can cause more stress. It is wise to take intermittent breaks so that your mind has a chance to reenergize and not feel quite so burdened down for a few moments. You want to take smart breaks, though.

What we mean by that is to do things on your break time that are actually relaxing rather than mentally stimulating or stressful. If you scroll through social media, there may be some stressors there, such as anticipation of social interactions, conversations with people you don’t like, and the pursuit of dopamine stimuli. Social media is designed to keep us hooked and engaged, not relaxed, so most people will use it the wrong way and wonder why they are so wired and anxious afterwards.

A better use of your break time would be to read a chapter in a book, listen to relaxing music, or go outside in the sunshine and take a short walk. What works best for each person may not be the same, but you can find activities that will be beneficial to your mind and decrease your stress levels. If all you do is close your eyes for a few minutes and try not to worry, that will be so much better for you than getting on your phone and stimulating your brain for a while.

By taking regular, relaxing breaks, your mind will be rejuvenated and your stress levels can be reset. That means you can go back to work feeling refreshed and able to get more done. You will be more effective and productive.

Refocus and Stay in the Moment


Anxiety can take a person out of their environment and have them feeling all sorts of negative things about what is to come or what they think might be happening later. They may relive painful conversations or unpleasant memories over and over again, and it is helpful to focus on the moment. When you feel yourself being distracted by anxiety and not thinking about what you are trying to do, you can remind yourself to refocus and get involved in the moment and place you are at.

This is a mental exercise also known as the 333 Rule that grounds you, by encouraging you to think about what is in front of you, what you are doing, and what your senses are taking in. You will be able to work better and not have so many mental distractions this way.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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