Telehealth Trends That Are Transforming Healthcare in 2023

Telehealth Trends That Are Transforming Healthcare in 2023

Telehealth Trends That Are Transforming Healthcare in 2023

Virtual consultations, remote monitoring and artificial intelligence are set to reshape the future of telehealth services.


Source: Drug Watch

Telehealth, also known as telemedicine, is the delivery of healthcare services remotely using technology such as video conferencing, phone calls, and messaging.

In the past, telehealth was mainly used for rural or remote areas where access to healthcare was limited. However, with the advent of technology and the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth has become mainstream and is now being used by healthcare providers and patients all over the world. In this article, we will discuss the telehealth trends that are reshaping healthcare in 2023.

1. Virtual Consultations Are Saving Time


Source: British Journal of General Practice

One of the biggest trends in telehealth is the use of virtual consultations. Virtual consultations allow patients to see a healthcare provider remotely, without having to leave their home. This is especially useful during the pandemic when people are hesitant to visit a physical clinic or hospital. Virtual consultations can be done via video conferencing, phone calls, or messaging.

The virtual consultation platform,Teladoc, allows patients to connect with a healthcare provider within minutes for a virtual visit.

Amwell is another example of a virtual consultation platform that offers a wide range of specialties, such as primary care, mental health, and dermatology.

2. Remote Monitoring Can Quickly Track Medical Conditions





Source: Research Gate

Another trend in telehealth is the use of remote monitoring. Remote monitoring allows healthcare providers to monitor a patient's health remotely, using devices such as wearable fitness trackers, blood pressure monitors, and glucose meters. This is useful for patients with chronic conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, as it allows healthcare providers to track their condition and make adjustments to their treatment plan as needed.

The remote monitoring platform, Chronic Care Management (CCM) program offered by Medicare, allows healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients with chronic conditions and receive reimbursement for their services.

In addition, there is another remote monitoring platform, the One Drop | Experts app, which offers a personalized diabetes management program and allows healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients' glucose levels and medication usage.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Providing Real-Time Insights 

Artificial_Intelligence_AI_is_Providing_Real-Time_Insights .png

Source: MDPI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also becoming increasingly popular in telehealth. AI can be used to analyze data from remote monitoring devices and provide insights to healthcare providers. It can also be used to automate certain tasks, such as scheduling appointments or triaging patients.

One example of an AI-powered telehealth platform is Medopad, which uses AI to analyze data from remote monitoring devices and provide insights to healthcare providers.

Another example of an AI-powered telehealth platform is Ada Health, which uses AI to triage patients and provide personalized health advice.


Telehealth is reshaping healthcare in 2023 and beyond, by providing patients with more convenient and accessible healthcare services. Virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and the use of AI are just a few of the trends that are driving the telehealth revolution. As technology continues to advance, we can expect telehealth to become even more prevalent in the healthcare industry. Telehealth will continue to increase patient satisfaction, improve health outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs. It is a promising solution for all the healthcare systems around the world to improve the quality of care and make it more accessible to all.

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Azamat Abdoullaev

Tech Expert

Azamat Abdoullaev is a leading ontologist and theoretical physicist who introduced a universal world model as a standard ontology/semantics for human beings and computing machines. He holds a Ph.D. in mathematics and theoretical physics. 

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