The Impact of Car Accidents on Mental Health: Coping and Recovery

The Impact of Car Accidents on Mental Health: Coping and Recovery

Felix Yim 29/08/2023
The Impact of Car Accidents on Mental Health: Coping and Recovery

Car accident victims often experience emotional and psychological challenges following their unfortunate experience.

These types of accidents significantly impact mental health, which many people, including victims, might ignore. 

However, you shouldn’t only focus on pursuing a claim and getting compensation for your physical injuries. You should also pursue non-economic damages to help you on the road to recovery. Speak with a lawyer. Pendergrass Law Firm recommends working with a personal injury lawyer specializing in the type of motor vehicle accident you were involved in, whether with a car, motorcycle, or truck.

These types of lawyers can help you receive compensation for your depression, anxiety, PTSD, loss of enjoyment of life, or other mental health conditions. Here is how car accidents impact mental health and what are some coping strategies you can use on the road to recovery:

Car Accidents and Effects on Mental Health


All sorts of traumatic events can affect our mental health, especially car accidents. Although it is uncertain exactly what type of disorders a car accident victim will face after a car accident, some of the most common are the following: 

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a common mental health disorder affecting between 6% and 50% of all car accident survivors. Some common symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, nightmares, anxiety, and avoidance behaviors.

For example, if a car accident victim experiences the event on the road they regularly take to work, they might avoid that road in the future, even if it's the shortest, just to avoid remembering the experience. Other victims might find issues in driving a car ever again as once they get into a car, they might experience discomfort, panic, anxiety, or generally be over concerned.

  • Depression and Mood Disorders

In the event of a car accident, recovering patients might still suffer for some time from feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss. In these situations, victims will need further treatment to recover. They might need to seek out the help of mental health professionals. Based on their recommendations, victims might need extended therapy sessions, medication, or a combination of both to recover.

  • Social Withdrawal and Isolation

The psychological distress associated with car accidents can result in social withdrawal and isolation. Victims might withdraw from activities they once enjoyed partaking in and become more reclusive. 

Coping and Recovery Tips for Car Accident Victims

When it comes to mental health, victims need to acknowledge their situation, or either they or their families need to take action and begin walking on the road to recovery. In some situations, if mental health issues aren’t addressed, they can worsen in time.

Regarding PTSD, anxiety and panic disorders, depression, or mood disorders, car accident victims should seek therapeutic interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Medication, in other instances, can help in managing symptoms. 

Support groups are also an excellent way to restore a sense of normalcy and improve overall well-being. Family and friends should also support their loved ones during this time and ensure that apart from seeking professional help, they will also receive their support.

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Felix Yim

Tech Expert

Felix is the founder of Society of Speed, an automotive journal covering the unique lifestyle of supercar owners. Alongside automotive journalism, Felix recently graduated from university with a finance degree and enjoys helping students and other young founders grow their projects. 

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