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Peter O'leary
Helpful tools !!
Education and technology go together very well.
These inseparable facets of life seem to egg each other on and improve life in many diverse ways, from life-saving essay writing service providers to developing life-saving medical advances.
The searing pace of technology is revolutionizing education and those who make a career from crafting essays. These are the 4 best advancements that are essential in essay writing.
Google is the uber-tech; access to such quantities of knowledge, information, and resources has never been greater or available to so many people.
However, the vast sea of sites means searching requires skill. Sorting the wheat from the chaff is easier when you know some of the useful tricks Google has built into their search engine. All great internet scholars must know these methods.
By adding particular prefixes to search terms, a user can tap into Google’s unrivaled power. For scholars, the most useful might well be “filetype:” When using this prefix, search queries return links to certain types of files.
In academia, searching for PDFs is something that happens all the time. So then, “filetype:pdf Civilization and its Discontents” will present the lucky searcher with a PDF copy of Sigmund Freud’s Civilization and its Discontents. Other useful file types might be datasets: .csv, .json, and so on.
You can further enhance this approach by using the minus symbol “-” which excludes specific terms from results. That is useful if your searching repeatedly presents some slightly related page that takes up too much of the search results.
Another tip is to use quotation marks which provide results including the words between the quotation marks. This modifier works well if trying to find the source of a quote that’s evading you. For example, “it was the best of times it was the worst of times” is clearly A Tale of Two Cities.
Combine these features with “intext:” or “inurl:” or “intitle:” to further home in on your specific target. There are even more modifiers available for your perusal on GoogleGuide.
Artificial intelligence can now help you get your tone, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary nailed down. While the tool isn’t always perfect for academic writing, it is undoubtedly more effective than many built-in spelling and grammar checkers.
There is a free and premium version available, depending on your budget. You can even add an add-on to your browser, which allows you to check interactive writing. Tools like Google Docs, digital writing, and collaborative editing are becoming ever easier thanks to tools like these.
When it comes to writing excellent essays, drawing on previous authors’ work is part of the process. Being able to store citations easily and refer quickly back to them prevents your writing flow from being blocked.
Depending on your university or college, this or that educational institution might have a subscription to a premium service. RefWorks is one of these paid-for software tools. It works with all the standard styles and hundreds of more obscure ones too.
If you’re not able to pay for a referencing tool, the open-source community has you covered. Zotero is open-source and doesn’t cost a penny (although you can donate if you wish). The pp works great both offline and online. It lets you store information for your bibliography and even formats it for you.
End-Note is one of the most popular tools for collaboration. Up to fourteen people can join in on a project. It works great with modern sources like podcasts and press releases. There are more than 6,000 referencing styles to choose from; while it does cost money, it is the best in the market.
Academic fraud is serious business. The student impact of getting caught using other people’s work is severe. Plagiarism can lead to punitive measures from educational institutions. Grades could get invalidated and whole degrees consigned to the trash can.
Plagiarism checkers offer the writing world peace of mind when it comes to checking integrity and ownership of comments and ideas.
Of course, with educational classes running for years at a time and hundreds if not thousands of students writing on the topics, some similarities are guaranteed. Plagiarism checkers not only help spot egregious examples of cheating, but they can alert writers to erroneous mistakes like a poorly paraphrased argument that strays too close to the original. Or perhaps a quotation that has evaded the proofreading process and lacks quotation marks.
There are many free versions of plagiarism checkers online. However, the gold-standard and one most often used by educational institutions is the app called Turnitin.
Hopefully, these four digital tools will make your essay writing tasks and assignments easier to complete. No plagiarism, no mistakes, no missed references, and a top grade is in the bag.
Helpful tools !!
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