6 Top Recognized Programs to Get a Headstart with Emerging Technology

6 Top Recognized Programs to Get a Headstart with Emerging Technology

Daniel Hall 15/05/2023
6 Top Recognized Programs to Get a Headstart with Emerging Technology

The world of IT and tech is always changing and evolving and unless you’ve got your finger on the pulse, it’s hard to keep track of it.

The best way to stay relevant in this industry is to keep leveling up your skills and experience. Whether you’re looking to bump up your resume or you want to learn more about emerging technologies in the IT sector, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 6 of the best and most recognized programs in IT to help you achieve just that!

1. InfoComm


If you don't know where to start, your best bet is to do a general course in information and communication (InfoComm). From Metaverse integration to cybersecurity, getting an Infocomm Technology Education at NUS Lifelong Learning is a good idea. Start by researching and looking for a college or program that can teach you all you need to know!

2. Web Development

Next on the list of the best and most recognized programs to jump in in the world of tech are ones in web development. Some of the biggest players in tech like Google and Raspberry Pi offer excellent courses to catch you up to speed and boost your knowledge. Web development is a staple of the IT sector, and if you want to make it in this industry, you ought to have skills in this department.

3. Cloud Engineer

Thanks to the boom of cloud technology in recent years, cloud engineers and technicians have never been more in demand or popular! To get a better education in cloud computing, you can learn from platforms like Udemy to isolated university courses. If you want to keep your finger on the pulse of all things tech, bumping up your cloud engineer skills through a course or two is a smart move!

4. Cyber Security

Similar to cloud engineering, cyber security is a must in today’s modern, technological world. The Open University offers great courses on cyber security and you can find plenty of programs to learn about cryptography and identity theft. Knowledge in these fields not only looks great only on your resume but can help you stay safe online too!

5. Game Development

If you want your IT skills to be more creative and transferable to other industries, game development is a great choice. The game development industry is constantly growing, and they’re always looking for new additions to their IT ranks. From learning how to code, 3D model, or digitally animate, there are plenty of courses to choose from. Courses and programs on BGI or Udemy are great choices.

6. Social Media Marketing


Last but not least, if you want to make it in the modern world of IT, it doesn’t hurt to have some background in social media and marketing. Social media is constantly evolving, and there are plenty of ways to get caught up to speed on the basics of it. From Instagram-specific analytics to courses on HubSpot, you’ve got plenty of options. Knowing a thing or two about social media marketing can really save your skin.

So there you have it! With these 6 program ideas to focus on, you’re ready to get a headstart on any emerging tech today! From web development and general knowledge of InfoComm to cloud design. From cyber security to game development, to even social media, there’s plenty of great knowledge to go around!

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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