A Quick Guide To Help You Understand TLS 1.3

A Quick Guide To Help You Understand TLS 1.3

16/05/2020 4
A Quick Guide To Help You Understand TLS 1.3

Internet security is a top priority for businesses of all sizes these days.

Failing to stay on top of the latest digital threats in your industry can leave you open to a number of cyber attacks. Luckily, there are sensible ways to stay protected. One easy approach is investing in the right security programs and applications. Transport Layer Security has become a popular topic of cyber preparedness in recent years, but plenty of business owners are confused about the ins and outs surrounding the idea. While it can seem confusing, a closer look can reveal the basic points.

Though touted as the future of internet security, it is important to stay aware of both the advantages and disadvantages Transport Layer Security can bring. Look over these points and develop an informed opinion on the topic for yourself.

Key Advantages

One of the best ways to approach this concept is by looking over some of the purported benefits. For one, this is an infrastructure that has a lot of professionals excited. The agility of the system itself is impressive. It is also scalable, meaning that it can work for a variety of purposes and industries of different sizes. Beyond this, it is programmable to meet the very specific needs of the business or entity taking advantage of the infrastructure. It has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses perceive security on the internet.

The infrastructure also benefits from using third-party tools and applications. For example, a business looking to analyze data surrounding web traffic will need to use a third-party tool to view this traffic in an unencrypted way. With a little bit of practice, the infrastructure can be used in a number of different ways to expedite common business processes related to security and enhance the overall effectiveness of security efforts. The design is also meant to adhere to the rapid advancements associated with technology and can be adjusted to meet the newest threats facing businesses.

Potential Concerns

Though there are definitely a number of reasons to be excited about the advancement of TLS 1.3, it isn’t all great news. There are a few drawbacks or potential concerns of which to keep aware. For one, many programmers and developers on your in-house team might be worried about rolling out the infrastructure, as it will be an involved process. With all of the purported benefits of Transport Layer Security, constant upkeep will also be required. This is especially true in the beginning, when your team is still unsure of how everything operates.

Accessing data may also become a bit more complicated. As with any new infrastructure, you won’t be able to go about finding information in the same manner. This means you and members of your organization might have a “learning period” where common tasks take a lot longer than expected. While the adjustment will be difficult at first, the infrastructure is meant to be intuitive and will be simple to learn with time. Still, some business owners might not love the period of reduced productivity for the sake of a security improvement.

Overall Thoughts

The biggest disadvantages associated with this infrastructure have to do with the time it takes to roll out. While annoying, it pales in comparison to the many online threats you leave your business open to by not making the change. If this is the future of cyber security, you owe it to your business to at least look into the details in order to see how complicated the changes will be. By doing so, you’ll be able to boost your security to new levels and exponentially reduce the odds of common threats.

As mentioned, many of the hiccups experienced at first with this infrastructure can be overcome by using third-party programs. Whether you’re looking to decrypt data or you need faster access to particular information, integrating these applications can be a lifesaver. Before making the decision to roll out TLS, give yourself ample time to review the intricacies of the process so you can lead your team to greatness.

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  • Debbie Harvey

    Mind blowing !!

  • Scott Travers

    Good post

  • Harry Weatherall

    Excellent article

  • Ben Griffiths

    Good summary and explanation

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