AI Cybersecurity Industry To Reach $133 Billion by 2030

AI Cybersecurity Industry To Reach $133 Billion by 2030

Daniel Hall 10/03/2024
AI Cybersecurity Industry To Reach $133 Billion by 2030

The use of artificial intelligence has drastically changed the cybersecurity industry.

At the speed that it's being adopted, the AI market is expected to reach more than $133 billion by 2030.

Its impact has been both a blessing and a gloom - hackers leveraging AI have fuelled a huge rise in cybercrime, expected to reach a massive $9.22 trillion cost to internet users in 2024, with the vast majority (85%) of cybersecurity professionals blaming AI. This rise is for these key reasons: AI increases the speed and volume of attacks, it adapts to specific defences, and it creates more sophisticated, personalised cyberattacks.

Several businesses are stating that AI strengthens cybersecurity by enhancing threat and phishing detection, rapidly analysing incidents and finding solutions, and creating threat simulations to predict possible cyber-attacks. Breaches that affected organizations with fully integrated security AI solutions cost them $1.8 million less on average than businesses without them. 69% of businesses stated that AI in cybersecurity is a necessity due to the threat amount that human analysts are unable to deal with.  




Techopedia editor - Nick Francis - has this to say on the research:

“AI has exploded in popularity in the last year, with users employing them for every day tasks from automating data gathering to detailed research. Although incredibly useful, it’s clear that it can also be directed to automate expansive and expensive cyber-attacks.

Organisations and users have to be more aware than ever before to not only the same threats, but updated versions that may be using AI to creatively customise to targets more. User education, updated systems, and protective programs have to be used and maintained to stand a chance against these new threats.”

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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