Beyond Data Visualization: The Rise of Immersive Analytics

Beyond Data Visualization: The Rise of Immersive Analytics

Naveen Joshi 07/06/2020 5
Beyond data visualization

Data analysts are leveraging immersive analytics to easily interpret each bit of data available to them and make better decisions.

Businesses of every size are utilizing data to enhance their daily operations. Although data has a lot to offer, not every company is able to use it optimally. And that is because data structures are complex and very hard to interpret. There are different types of analytics that offer descriptive or predictive insights by analyzing data. But even they analyze or predict based on specific patterns in specific sections of the database and not the entire dataset. And that’s where immersive analytics can come to the rescue. Immersive analytics resides at the confluence of a variety of technologies like big data analytics, ML, AR, and VR. Immersive analytics can help businesses to understand each and every bit of data they possess and use it optimally.

The Potential of Immersive Analytics

Immersive analytics enables businesses and data scientists to visualize data like never before and assist them in making better decisions.

Potential of Immersive Technologies

Seamless Data Interpretation

Complex data structures make it hard for data analysts to interpret data. But, immersive analytics enables a visual 360° view of an enterprise’s data. This allows data scientists to collaborate with each other and interpret data visually. It also facilitates data interpretation by allowing data scientists to understand each and every bit of data from a 360° point of view. Immersive analytics allows data analysts to visually scale data, which makes it easy for humans to interpret data through their visual intelligence.

Enhanced Decision Making

With immersive analytics, humans can visualize data the way they want. It allows businesses to understand each and every bit of data and the relationship between them. For instance, it can help understand relations between multiple Facebook accounts and the parameters that connect them. Getting a better insight into how different variables are connected with each other through a 3D view helps analysts and businesses to make better decisions.

Improved Human Involvement

There are several other analytics technologies like AI, ML, and big data analytics that analyzes data and helps to gain insights from data. These analytics technologies are useful for businesses. But these technologies remove various human intelligence factors like experience, wisdom, and judgment. Immersive analytics allows a certain level of human involvement in data analytics. It allows humans to view how data is processed and on what basis is the output shown. This helps to merge human intelligence with machine intelligence, facilitating more accurate analytics.

Data is only as valuable as the insights extracted from it. But with the increase in the volume of data generated and stored, it becomes nearly impossible for businesses and data analysts to extract accurate information from it. According to a report by Domo, 90% of existing data was generated over the last two years. Processing this data to generate insights consumes a lot of time. Immersive analytics is helping to speed up the process of analyzing such huge datasets. Hence businesses need to find ways to leverage immersive analytics and get valuable insights from their data.

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  • Ian Jarvis

    Companies are making significant investments in the automation of repetitive tasks.

  • Morris Barrier

    Immersive analytics is expensive and needs to be constantly updated.

  • Colin Hayward

    We live in an age where the amount and complexity of data available to us far surpass our ability to understand or to utilise in decision making.

  • Jeremy Steele

    Today we interact with computers through phones, laptops and other devices so regularly and ubiquitously that many people forget or are unaware that such activities were once almost unimaginable.

  • Teresa Murphy

    Engagement and immersion are at the heart of immersive analytics.

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Naveen Joshi

Tech Expert

Naveen is the Founder and CEO of Allerin, a software solutions provider that delivers innovative and agile solutions that enable to automate, inspire and impress. He is a seasoned professional with more than 20 years of experience, with extensive experience in customizing open source products for cost optimizations of large scale IT deployment. He is currently working on Internet of Things solutions with Big Data Analytics. Naveen completed his programming qualifications in various Indian institutes.

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