Top 10 Things You Should Be Doing to Protect from Cyberattacks

Top 10 Things You Should Be Doing to Protect from Cyberattacks

I get asked all the time for a quick answer to the question: “how can I protect myself from getting attacked online?”

Although the thorough answer is lengthy, simply put everyone can make their digital lives and experiences more secure and private by following these two fundamental concepts:

1. Don't be an easy target.

2. Protect your valuables.

The Basics are Hugely Important in Cybersecurity 

Follow these 10 good security practices to greatly reduce your overall risk:

  1. Keep your systems updated and patched.

  2. Use professional anti-malware software, firewalls, and spam filters when possible.

  3. Use strong and unique passwords (no sharing across sites) and keep them secret.

  4. Don't click on any link or attachment sent via email or text! 

  5. Don't install untrustworthy software or go to websites with insecure reputations. 

  6. Don't share too much personal information and don't be lured into social engineering scams. 

  7. Only do business online with reputable parties that you trust.

  8. Monitor activities to detect signals of an attack (ex. watch your credit report, pay attention to malware alerts, someone being a bit too friendly in social media, etc.) then act quickly to reduce the potential impact.

  9. Expect something bad to happen and have a response plan (ex. backup your critical data beforehand, have a recovery plan, be ready to cancel a compromised credit card, know how to change/reset your passwords, etc.).

  10. Know what is valuable to you in your digital life and be extra paranoid about keeping those things secure and private. (Ex. Use multi-factor-authentication on your bank accounts, don’t give out your birth date or social-security/national-insurance numbers, avoid exposing the private data of your children, etc.)

Effective security is about applying good practices relative to the risk and being consistent.

Consider this your monthly Cybersecurity Public Service Announcement. 

Hope it helps.


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  • Karen Taylor

    Never use the same password !!!

  • Daniel Glover

    Even MacBooks are not that secure.

  • Kane Stubbs

    You can also use services like LifeLock and Identity Guard to protect your credit card

  • Neil Cunningham

    Thanks, this is so important to know !!!

  • Lucas Peters

    I rarely pay any item online. I prefer cash on hand.

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Matthew Rosenquist 

Cybersecurity Expert

Matthew Rosenquist is an industry-recognized pragmatic, passionate, and innovative strategic security expert with 28 years of experience. He thrives in challenging cybersecurity environments and in the face of ever shifting threats. A leader in identifying opportunities, driving industry change, and building mature security organizations, Matthew delivers capabilities for sustainable security postures. He has experience in protecting billions of dollars of corporate assets, consulting across industry verticals, understanding current and emerging risks, communicating opportunities, forging internal cooperation and executive buy-in, and developing practical strategies. Matthew is a trusted advisor, security expert, and evangelist for academia, businesses, and governments around the world. A public advocate for best-practices, and communicating the risks and opportunities emerging in cybersecurity. He delivers engaging keynotes, speeches, interviews, and consulting sessions at conferences and to audiences around the globe. He has attracted a large social following of security peers, is an active member on advisory boards, and quoted in news, magazines, and books. Matthew is a recognized industry expert, speaker, and leader who enjoys the pursuit of achieving optimal cybersecurity. Matthew Rosenquist is experienced in building world class teams and capabilities, managing security operations, evangelizing best-practices to the market, developing security products, and improving corporate security services. 

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