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6 years

Remove the Cynics from your Team

Many managers make the mistake of thinking that their job is to create a happy cohesive team and a nice place to work. You don’t want happy people working for you – you want passionate people. 

6 years

12 Quotes to Inspire You to Leadership Success

One of the most impressive things about all great leaders is their obsession with learning new things about leadership in order improve their team. Luckily, some of the best leaders have left behind a few of their brightest lessons to help pass their wisdom forward. 

6 years

Body Language Tips to Increase Sales

In preparing for a presentation to your customers or clients, it’s important to focus on what you are going to say, to memorize crucial points, and to rehearse those key messages so that you come across as credible and convincing. This is, of course, something you already know. 

6 years

Why You Should Never Put off until Tomorrow What you Can do Today

This is my father Roy. He is a man who I have never met. And, until a few days ago, had never even seen. This old grainy photo and the story behind it will hopefully make you understand why the phrase "don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today" is so relevant in life and in business...

6 years

Is Your Organisation Self-Sabotaging?

“Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,” wasn’t the best of the Indiana Jones movies. It was flagrantly racist, and featured the ever-annoying and helpless Kate Capshaw screaming her way through every scene. Despite that, was pretty entertaining.

6 years

Will Your City Be a Smart City Soon?

Despite the apparent trade-off between privacy and efficiency, authorities across the globe are intent on becoming known for achieving smart city status and for the right reasons. Politicians are seeing the real benefits and cost savings that smart city initiatives can provide, and as citizens we need to get used to the idea of our towns collecting and making use of more and more data to reshape the world around us for the greater good.

6 years

A Vision Being Realized

Six years ago, when I heard Justin Uberti of Google announce (*) that Real Time Communications could be executed in the Chrome Browser, I had a vision. This new technology would allow users to communicate from one browser to another; a new form of business communication was possible. Stand-alone voice and video would be a thing of the past; the Skype’s of this world would be used for social chitchat. Old heavyweight legacy videoconferencing systems, from companies such as Polycom and Cisco, would die away.