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6 years

Tesla Is Redefining the Customer Experience

One of the harsh realities of this fast-paced digital world is that almost everything we buy is out of date by the time we get it home. To obtain the most value of any purchase, especially if it is an expensive one, we need to adopt a future mind-set to help us avoid picking up legacy products.

6 years

Top 6 SEO Tips for Small Businesses

The aim of any small business is to improve visibility and what better way than to have your business displayed on the top ranking of search engines?

6 years

Ethics: The Building Block of Any Start-Up

“Success without integrity is failure.” – John Gunn

6 years

Inflexion Point - November 2018

Welcome back to Inflexion Point, your monthly on the interesting updates from the domains on creativity, innovation and strategy. This edition is all about creativity. Have fun! 

6 years

What Should Kodak have Done?

Business commentators and writers commonly quote Kodak as an example of a company that was destroyed by disruptive innovation. 

6 years

How does Pay Per Click Work?

PPC (pay-per-click) is a marketing strategy carried out on the Internet through SEO (Search engine Optimization) with a budget that is set for advertisement campaigns. There are millions of businesses that indulge in pay per click advertising on search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

6 years

Do You Dress for Success?

My friend Joyce is an entrepreneur. One of the secrets of her success is the way she dresses. Even when traveling to and from a vacation, Joyce is in a dress and heels. Her motto: “Wear great clothes. You never know whom you’ll meet!” 

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