Empowering New Moms: A Guide for Companies to Provide Support and Assistance

Empowering New Moms: A Guide for Companies to Provide Support and Assistance

Riddhi Doshi 07/12/2023
Empowering New Moms: A Guide for Companies to Provide Support and Assistance

Welcoming a child into the family is a joyous occasion, but it also brings a multitude of challenges and adjustments, especially for new mothers.

Balancing the demands of motherhood with a career can be overwhelming, and many new moms often find themselves struggling to cope with these competing responsibilities. As employers, companies have a crucial role to play in supporting and empowering new mothers during this critical phase of their lives.

Supporting and empowering new mothers is not only an ethical imperative but also a smart business decision. Companies that prioritize the well-being of their employees, especially during significant life events like becoming a parent, tend to have a happier, more engaged, and more loyal workforce. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, businesses can foster a culture of support, understanding, and empowerment for new moms in the workplace.

In this guide, we'll explore various ways in which companies can provide assistance and create a supportive work environment for new moms.

1. Provide Flexible Work Arrangements

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One of the most impactful ways companies can assist new mothers is by offering flexible work arrangements. This might include options such as remote work, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks. By allowing new moms to adjust their schedules to better accommodate childcare needs, companies can reduce stress and promote a healthier work-life balance.

2. Extended Maternity Leave

Providing extended maternity leave can be a game-changer for new mothers. While statutory maternity leave exists in many countries, offering additional paid leave or allowing mothers to take unpaid leave without fear of job loss can significantly ease their transition into motherhood.

3. Have Onsite Childcare Facilities

For larger companies, establishing onsite childcare facilities can be a valuable resource. This allows new moms to have their children nearby, making breastfeeding and check-ins more convenient. Onsite childcare also promotes a family-friendly atmosphere and helps attract and retain top talent.

4. Create Lactation Rooms

Creating dedicated lactation rooms within the workplace demonstrates a commitment to supporting new mothers. These private, comfortable spaces enable moms to pump breast milk or nurse their infants during breaks without feeling rushed or uncomfortable.

5. Form Parental Support Groups

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Encouraging the formation of parental support groups at work can help new mothers connect with colleagues who share similar experiences. These groups can provide a safe space to discuss challenges, share advice, and build a supportive network.

6. Offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Providing EAPs that encompass resources for new mothers, such as counseling services, can be immensely beneficial. Navigating the demands of motherhood can be emotionally challenging, and EAPs can provide the necessary mental health support.

7. Implement Return-to-Work Programs

Implementing return-to-work programs for new mothers can make their transition back to the workplace smoother. These programs may involve phased returns, reduced workloads initially, or mentorship opportunities to help them readjust.

8. Give Career Development Opportunities

Companies can empower new moms by providing access to career development programs, training, and mentorship opportunities. Ensuring that they don't feel sidelined or overlooked during their maternity leave can boost their confidence and long-term career prospects.

9. Invest in Employee Well-Being Initiatives


Investing in employee well-being initiatives that cater to new mothers, such as wellness programs, fitness classes, and stress management resources, can enhance their overall quality of life.

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Riddhi Doshi

Mental Health Expert

Riddhi Doshi trains and coaches corporate leaders, educators and parents on issues of mental health and behavior. She is an internationally certified Parenting & Behaviour Coach. In past 15+ years she has conducted 2540+ open workshops, delivered 87000+ hours of talks, 53000+ hours of counseling sessions covering 59000+ students and 62,000+ women from various fields. Parenting sessions conducted by Riddhi are housefull and recent;y she completed her 366th Parenting session. She has been a speaker and advisor at various institutions and organizations including IIM, Ahmedabad, Rotary Club, Tata Power, Larson & Toubro and The Time of India. She holds an MBA in HRD, LLM and numerous other professional certifications from prestigious international institutions including University of Cambridge, BSY University, London, City & Guilds, London, Tata Institute of Social Sciences and NMIMS, Mumbai. She has been awarded with “National Award for Cultural Activities by AVANTIKA- Delhi”, “Excellence in Wellness”, “Young Entrepreneurs Award”, “Self Made Diva Award” among various others. With a mission to “make corporate leaders, educators and parents empowered and more aware about mental health & wellness”, Riddhi regularly gives interviews on leading media platforms. She loves to interact with corporate leaders, educators and parents to discuss about women issues, child psychology and parenting challenges.

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