7 Simple Ways to Improve the Office Recycling Program

7 Simple Ways to Improve the Office Recycling Program

Daniel Hall 10/09/2023
7 Simple Ways to Improve the Office Recycling Program

It's time to start recycling if you haven't already.

Although most businesses have some workplace recycling schemes in place, they may be insufficient, and there is continually more that you can do to safeguard the environment. 

Additionally, it is frequently the responsibility of the staff to correctly dispose of things since it is their split-second choice that determines whether garbage is going into the correct recycling channel or thrown into the regular waste container.

Expanding office recycling can also be positive because it enhances brand perception. Many prospective workers and partners now see recycling and a sustainable business model as desirable corporate traits.

This article will teach you how to implement and enhance your recycling program while inspiring your staff to recycle more.

1. Communicate the Importance of Recycling to Your Employees


So how can you motivate staff to recycle? Hosting enjoyable classes for your team is one illustration.

Gather everyone around to talk about the details of your waste management strategy and involve the workforce, spread recycling awareness, and spark discussion about sustainability. Start discussing the value of recycling to the environment at lunchtime, monthly meetings, or even when an employee disposes of rubbish improperly. 

Recycling minimizes garbage transported to landfills, preserves natural resources, lowers carbon emissions, and uses less energy. Once it's on their minds, your coworkers will be more careful the next time they dispose of their trash.

2. Implement Centralized Recycle Bins

Remove employees' personal trash and recycling bins. Encourage the usage of recycling bins located in strategic locations throughout common locations as part of your office's recycling policy for more straightforward disposal and recycling pickup. 

Employees who sort their trash are more conscious of what they discard than simply tossing it in the handy bin beneath their desks. Employees are urged to recycle appropriately thanks to the central recycling containers, which also make collecting recycling from the office simpler.

 For simpler trash management and segregation, keep your recyclable food containers separate and dry wastes apart from moist wastes. Only if you can count on your employees to empty their containers into the central bins for collecting recyclables should personal office recycling bins be provided.

3. Use Simple and Applicable Labels 

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In the end, folks only have a split second to sort their trash. They merely put their trash in the nearest stream, increasing the chance of contamination if you need to clarify which stream is which.

Keep recycling labels straightforward. You can accomplish it by including vivid, in-depth visuals with the text on stream posters. 

Reduce the number of photos you use as much as possible to avoid confusing and overwhelming your audience. Ensure that your recycling tags are easily seen at eye level and that the labels are uniform throughout the premises.

4. Share Achievements

Regularly sharing the findings with your team will make it much easier to promote recycling at work. You will naturally gain more buy-in if you involve everyone in the journey. 

Demonstrate to them the benefits of recycling adequately for the ecosystem and the sustainability objectives of your business. You can do it in your team meetings or a weekly broadcast message to your team. 

Follow up on the development of your office's recycling program regularly. You can conduct routine waste audits to find ways to recycle more garbage and divert more waste from landfills. 

One great approach to inspire employees to put out their best effort is to post your company's recycling accomplishments and objectives close to recycling bins.

5. Discourage Disposables and Go Paperless

It may be possible to reduce the garbage that your facility generates. Encourage recyclable mugs, lunch ware, and other items, and offices can go paperless as examples of it. Not only will it prevent overloaded typical waste bins, but it will also show your team and the world that your organization cares about the environment. 

Tell your suppliers about your new recycling program, and try bringing in as many reusable or compostable things as possible. Since the waste your facility is creating is already recyclable, reusable, or compostable, controlling what's coming into your business will significantly improve your chances of lowering the amount of waste you send to the dump.

6. Employ Technology

Our smartphones are incredible devices since they are versatile and portable. Install recycling software for you and your employees so everyone knows office recycling policies. 

You can also keep track of your efforts and set collective goals to separate waste from recyclable materials.

7. Gather More Recyclables

Your company may save many more waste materials from the dump in addition to recycled paper. These days, recycling extends beyond cans, papers, and bottles. 

A small sample of the numerous products that recycling organizations will recover and put to new use includes computers, mobile phones, and other electronic waste items.  

To learn more about the materials your employees throw away and whether you can recycle any of them instead, perform a waste assessment of your facility. Some things on the list your office may be throwing away but could recycle are aluminum cans, pizza boxes, light bulbs, and batteries, so be sure to verify with your local government and waste carrier first.

Employ local recycling company services to collect your recyclables. Understand their policies and how often they can visit your company to pick up your recyclable materials for the proper recycling process. It will save you the stress of leaving recyclable materials on your company premises, preventing destabilization of your well-structured recycling program.

Improving Your Office Recycling Program is Crucial 

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The well-being of our ecosystem depends on office recycling, which can involve more than merely placing your waste in the same container or buying supplies on paper rather than in plastic. 

Utilizing recyclable materials like textiles, glass, and aluminum instead of commonplace products like toilet paper, disposable cups, and plastic water bottles is one of the easiest methods to start recycling at the office. 

Make your workplace more sustainable by using the tips provided in this article. Spend some time reviewing each of them with your green team, then concentrate on starting with the most doable ones.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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