Future-Proofing Your Business: Preparing for Changes In Energy Costs

Future-Proofing Your Business: Preparing for Changes In Energy Costs

Future-Proofing Your Business: Preparing for Changes In Energy Costs

With an unpredictable market and a global economy that is ever-changing, the costs of energy are incredibly vulnerable to change.

In fact, the cost of energy can be quickly impacted by global events such as wars, political gaps, inflation, and more. Something we were quickly reminded of after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in early-2022.

In order to prepare for unexpected events and increases in wholesale energy costs, business owners should future-proof their businesses. Ensuring the right measures are in place to protect their livelihood and prevent financial damage, caused by rising energy bills. In this article, we will explore the ways in which you, as a business energy customer, can prepare for changes in energy costs. 

Invest in Renewable Energy


One of the best ways to protect yourself against the risk of rising energy costs is to invest in renewable energy. Choosing alternative sources of energy such as wind or solar for your business, even if just for access to a percentage of your energy supply, will help in saving you from the vulnerabilities of the traditional energy market. 

Reduce Your Business Carbon Footprint

Not only this, but you will be investing in your business’ carbon footprint. Making the changes required to protect the planet and preserve our earth for future generations. Beneficial for both your finances but also your brand’s image and reputation. Particularly as more and more customers look to utilise the products and services of ‘green’ or sustainable businesses. 

Make Wise Energy-Smart Long-Term Investments 

Another way to prepare for changes in energy costs is to make wise energy-smart long-term investments. This can include upgrading your business’ lighting, heating and cooling systems to more efficient models, investing in energy storage systems, or implementing a demand-response strategy. By making these proactive investments now, you will be protecting your business from future increases in energy prices and also reducing your  overall energy consumption. 

Benefit From Government Incentives

Furthermore, governments often offer incentives for businesses to make the switch to renewable or more energy-efficient systems. Take advantage of these opportunities and you will not only be future-proofing your business but also saving money on energy costs in the long run.

Monitor and Manage Your Energy Usage

To prepare for changes in energy costs, it is important to track and manage your business’ energy usage. By understanding when and how you use the most energy, you can make smarter decisions about your energy consumption. This can include implementing energy-saving practices such as turning off lights and equipment when not in use, or using natural lighting instead of artificial sources. Additionally, investing in smart meters or energy management systems can help you monitor and manage your energy usage in real-time, giving you more control over your energy costs. 

Educate Employees on Energy-Saving Practices


It is also important to educate your employees on the importance of energy-saving practices and how they can contribute to reducing your business' overall energy consumption. By involving everyone in the effort, you can create a  culture of energy efficiency within your business and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.

Stay Informed and Be Prepared

Lately it is essential to stay informed about the energy market trends and potential changes. This can include monitoring energy news and staying up to date with any government policies or regulations that may impact energy costs. By being aware of potential changes, you can be better prepared and adjust your business strategies accordingly.

Consider Switching Your Energy Provider

If you are worried about price increases and not having enough support from your current provider, it may be best to shop around and find a business energy provider armed with the right tools to support their customers. Be sure to read reviews and ask around to find the best supplier for your needs.

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Susanna Koelblin

Commercialization & Sourcing Leader Focused On Circularity

From blockchain to recycling, Susanna talks about emerging technologies and circularity topics in the fashion industry.

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