PolyBlocs: A Modular Housing Solution for Affordable Urban Living

PolyBlocs: A Modular Housing Solution for Affordable Urban Living

PolyBlocs: A Modular Housing Solution for Affordable Urban Living

Cities worldwide face a pressing challenge – a scarcity of affordable and high-quality housing.

In response to this issue, Cutworks Studio, a design company based in Paris and Amsterdam, has introduced an innovative approach called PolyBlocs. This modular construction concept consists of individual block rooms, known as PolyRooms, that can be stacked together in various configurations to create versatile and cost-effective residential sites. Inspired by multiple sources and creative thinking, PolyBlocs aim to revolutionize urban housing by offering flexible, sustainable, and convenient living spaces.

Analyzing the Problem

Minimizing Build and Assembly Time The foundation for the PolyBlocs concept lay in analyzing the challenges of constructing buildings in city centers. Recognizing the time and cost involved in on-site construction, the designers sought ways to minimize build and assembly time. This led them to consider alternative methods of building, such as prefabricated structures that could be assembled quickly at the construction site.

Adapting Historic Concepts

Modernizing Prefab Buildings Looking back in history, the designers found inspiration in ancient prefab structures, like the Normans' prefab castle from 1160. Drawing from this historical context, they explored ways to update and adapt old ideas to suit modern sustainable and housing needs. This approach served as a foundation for the development of PolyRooms, which combine functionality, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

Transforming Mobile Homes

Stackable, Non-Wheeled Units Another source of inspiration came from the mobile home industry. By envisioning a mobile home without wheels and reimagining it as a stackable unit, the designers discovered the potential for creating modular and scalable living spaces. This concept brought forth the idea of PolyRooms, shaped like shipping containers, which could be stacked like Lego bricks.

Learning from Shipping Containers

Efficient Use of Space Taking inspiration from the shipping industry's efficient use of tight spaces through containers, the designers applied this concept to housing. PolyBlocs leveraged the idea of modular containers that could be easily transported, assembled, and rearranged to create affordable and functional urban dwellings.

Using Lego as a Metaphor

Playful Assembly of Components Using Lego as a metaphor for building, the designers explored how fitting things together in a playful manner could lead to innovative housing solutions. This approach highlighted the potential of arranging PolyRooms in various configurations to meet different spatial needs, maximizing the efficient use of available space.

Rethinking the Construction Sequence

Simultaneous Assembly Challenging the traditional construction sequence, where houses are built sequentially, the designers contemplated assembling different components concurrently. This fresh perspective led to the development of PolyRooms with built-in features like foldable beds, tables with cupboards, and compact bathrooms, all assembled simultaneously for efficiency.

What's Next?

PolyBlocs emerged as a groundbreaking solution for the global housing crisis by combining various innovative ideas and creative approaches. As urban centers continue to grapple with affordable housing shortages, adopting diverse starting points and brainstorming techniques like SCAMPER and Similes will be essential to generate winning ideas that transform our cities into more sustainable and inclusive living spaces. PolyBlocs exemplifies the power of creative thinking and cross-industry inspiration in shaping a more livable and accessible future for urban dwellers.

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Susanna Koelblin

Commercialization & Sourcing Leader Focused On Circularity

From blockchain to recycling, Susanna talks about emerging technologies and circularity topics in the fashion industry.

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