Sarah Ronald Investment Expert

Sarah is an entrepreneur and investor in early start-ups. She is the Founder of Nile, an award winning Service Design firm. Additional appointments have included, an elected Executive member of the British Interactive Media Association (BIMA), advisor to the Scottish Financial Fintech Strategy group, the Design Council and Number 10 Downing Street Digital Advisory Board. Her main areas of focus include, use of new technologies to improve the way we live and work, and the need to evolve company cultures to achieve sustainable change. She has been involved in designing future-proof currency for two countries, launched the first emergency cash service in Europe, and pioneered the world’s first digital health and symptom checkers. Her background is in human-computer interaction and behavioural psychology, and she has also served as a digital advisor to the British government. Sarah holds an MA in Psychology from the University of Aberdeen and an MSc in Human Computer Interaction from the Heriot-Watt University.


Can Biometrics Save the High Street?

For physical shops hoping to compete with online retailers, data and biometrics offer new hope. But success is only possible with a razor-sharp focus on the customer experience.


What the NHS can learn about innovation from Uber

The need for smart, creative and affordable solutions is growing fast as the UK healthcare crisis deepens. Uber demonstrates how design-led innovation can drive industries forward.


Ambitious Fintech Startups Should Come to Scotland

Political and economic disruption is turning Edinburgh into a global fintech capital, making it the perfect time for ambitious startups to move their operations to Scotland.

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