Seth Levine, CFA  Investment Expert

Seth Levine is a professional, institutional investor focused on selecting high yield bond positions for a financial services company. He is also the creator of The Integrating Investor where he blogs about macroeconomic and investment strategy related themes. Seth holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University and is a CFA charterholder. You can learn more about Seth at and follow him on Twitter at @SethLevine2. Please note that any opinions and views he expresses are solely his own and do not reflect those of his current or former employers.

Reading The Market’s Postmodern Mind

Reading The Market’s Postmodern Mind

No matter how you slice it, markets are human. This even applies to the “algos” as it’s we who write their mechanistic marching orders.


Reflexivity Here In The Yield Curve & Everywhere

George Soros is about as close to a household name as it gets for a hedge fund manager. He’s legendary for his billions, “breaking” the Bank of England, and is even an alleged mastermind of left-wing, political conspiracy theories. For me, though, Mr. Soros’s theory of reflexivity is his most impressive achievement. Introduced in his book, The Alchemy of Finance, I simply see reflexivity everywhere. In fact, we might be in the midst of a reflexive event of epic proportions as we speak.


Cheap Fed Liquidity Forestalls Deleveraging & Entices Debt

Over the past few months I revisited nearly everything I thought I knew about money and banking, and in particular, central banks. There are lots of strong opinions with respect to how and why they impact the investment markets and economy. As a macro-minded investor, these are crucial issues. As an Integrating Investor, there was only one way to get my arms around it—to dig in. I found that the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) impact is more indirect than I previously believed. Surprisingly, both Austrian and Keynesian perspectives support this.


Powell’s Real Choice: His Reputation Or Esteem—Part 2

The following is Part 2 in a series discussing my belief that fiat currency regimes with central banks ultimately result in increasing amounts of leverage. Part 1 can be found here.


Powell’s Real Choice: His Reputation Or Esteem—Part 1

Banking’s History Reveals An Impossible Decision


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