Artificial Gemstones: Reasons to Choose a Handcrafted Engagement Ring

Artificial Gemstones: Reasons to Choose a Handcrafted Engagement Ring

Daniel Hall 25/05/2024
Artificial Gemstones: Reasons to Choose a Handcrafted Engagement Ring

Bridal jewelry like engagement rings are undeniably the best way to symbolize love.

They also express commitment and promise of a shared future. For so long, natural diamonds were the go-to gemstone in such pieces of jewelry. That has since changed with the shift to artificial ones, thanks to awareness created about mining practices. The makers of these pieces of jewelry have gone a notch higher to handcraft their products. This article details the valid reasons to choose engagement rings featuring artificial gemstones.  

Superior Quality

 For starters, handcrafted engagement rings featuring artificial gemstones such as lab rings come in superior quality. This is because they are made in a controlled environment to attain a high standard of clarity, color, and cut. In addition, they are subjected to rigorous quality control processes to meet the quality standards. Unlike mass-produced engagement rings, handcrafted ones are made with precision in mind. This ensures that the ring is outstanding and durable in the long run. 

Uniqueness and Personalization

Handcrafted rings allow for a high degree of customization. This allows the artisan to infuse your idea into the creation of the bridal jewelry. You can choose a design that reflects your personality, resulting in one one-of-a-kind piece. Additionally, this aspect will give you an engagement ring that carries symbolic weight. You can direct the manufacturer to add features and design elements like dates and meaningful phrases to add depth. 

Innovation in Design

Besides, these types of engagement rings are innovatively made, giving them their unique designs. Their designers bring their unique vision  to each piece. By choosing these handcrafted ones, you will have the following innovative designs to choose from: 

  • Asymmetric, featuring a non-traditional setting

  • Nature-inspired motif

  • Geometric shape

  • Stackable rings

  • Halo and double halo

This is a stark difference from the natural stones that limit creativity due to the high cost it takes to cut them into unique designs. Going for these handcrafted ones that feature artificial gemstones, you will get and piece that reflects your style without compromising on beauty. 


Choosing a handcrafted engagement ring will give you bridal jewelry that stands the test of time. This is because they feature classic designs, unlike mass-produced pieces that follow given trends. Manufacturers like Lab Grown draw inspiration from various sources, ensuring that your engagement ring's appeal won't fade with time. Furthermore, the artificial gemstones that the pieces come with are available in a wide range of colors and types, allowing for the creation of gems with timeless aesthetics. 

Heirloom Quality 

These meticulously crafted bridal jewelry featuring artificial gemstones such as lab rings are perfect if you want a heirloom. This is due to their bespoke design and the high-quality materials used to craft them. The makers use flawless artificial stones and set them on sturdy metals that can stand daily wear and tear without falling apart. This aspect makes such jewelry ideal for passing down your generations.

Nothing beats bridal jewelry like engagement rings when you want to express love and commitment. For the best piece, you should choose the handcrafted ones that feature artificial gemstones. This is because the artisans take their time to create unique pieces. Unlike the mass-produced pieces, you will enjoy the aspects you have read about in this article.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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