Top Office Features That Can Boost Productivity

Top Office Features That Can Boost Productivity

Mihir Gadhvi 04/12/2023
Top Office Features That Can Boost Productivity

The impact of the office environment on employee productivity is undeniable, with various elements playing a crucial role in shaping the work experience.

Colours are thought to influence many of our choices, moods and behaviours. With many offices typically using bland tones such as white and grey, there are many different shades that can improve and increase employee productivity levels. Savoy Stewart has teamed up with experts at Brainworks Neurotherapy and Hillary’s, to reveal how to increase productivity during the winter months.

Yvonne Keal, on behalf of Hillary’s home store comments: “Light and airy pastel shades such as pinks, dusty yellow, lilacs and mint greens are great colours to incorporate into your office in winter as they promote calmness and can help release any built up tension in your work routine which still allows creative juices to flow. 

1. Infuse Vibrancy with Strategic Color Selection 

Elevate productivity by incorporating light and airy pastel shades, fostering calmness, and promoting a positive mood. Explore colors like pinks, dusty yellow, lilacs, and mint greens to release work-related tension and energize the workspace.

2. Revitalize with Live Plants for Improved Air Quality 

Boost employee well-being by introducing greenery. Plants such as Bamboo Palm and Golden Pothos not only reduce stress but also enhance air quality, contributing to clear thinking and a distraction-free work environment.

3. Personalize Workspaces for Engagement

Empower employees to personalize their work areas with items reflecting their interests. Studies show that breaks throughout the day, combined with personalized spaces, lead to increased productivity and overall well-being.

4. Influence Emotions with Thoughtful Artwork

Transform plain office spaces by incorporating artwork that resonates with employees. Nature imagery can alleviate work frustrations, while personal artwork fosters a sense of connection and individuality without causing distractions.

5. Optimize Productivity with Strategic Office Layouts

Consider the layout's impact on productivity and collaboration. Ensure exposure to natural light, essential for regulating hormones and influencing mood. Well-designed layouts contribute to teamwork, creativity, and overall well-being.

6. Establish Distraction-Free Zones for Focus

Minimize distractions by reducing noise and clutter. Designate 'quiet spaces' for focused work, organize dedicated work areas, and set clear expectations. A clutter-free, well-lit space enhances concentration and reduces fatigue.

By strategically incorporating these verbs-focused office features, employers can create a workspace that not only enhances productivity but also prioritizes the well-being and satisfaction of their employees.

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Mihir Gadhvi

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Mihir Gadhvi is the co-founder of illustrake and HAYD. Illustrake is a D2C Enabler and offers Performance Marketing, Retention Marketing, and Content Creation Services. HAYD is a brand New, homegrown fashion line that aims to make clothing easy for us without taxing our planet. Although the concept is quite known now, HAYD wants to accomplish sustainability by reducing its impact on the environment with safe and fair manufacturing.

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