Bridging Talent Gap in Cybersecurity

Bridging Talent Gap in Cybersecurity

Helen Yu 04/05/2023
Bridging Talent Gap in Cybersecurity

Did you know that 52 million data breaches occurred globally during the second quarter of the year and only 4.5 million workforce to counteract?

As cyberattacks continue to rise, so does the demand for cybersecurity talent across all industries. Unfortunately, with over 3.2 million unfilled cybersecurity positions across the globe, businesses could face serious losses unless they find a satisfactory solution soon. It’s essential to prioritize cybersecurity and invest in the right talent to keep your organization protected.  


Source: McKinsey & Company

As technology continues to advance, the need for cybersecurity professionals has grown exponentially. Cyber threats have become more sophisticated, and organizations are struggling to keep up with the pace of change. One of the biggest challenges facing the industry is the talent gap in cybersecurity.

The Current State of the Talent Gap in Cybersecurity

The talent gap in cybersecurity is a growing concern for organizations across all industries. According to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures, there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs by 2025. This talent gap is not only a threat to organizations, but also to national security.

The main reason for the talent gap is the lack of qualified professionals in the field. Cybersecurity is a relatively new field, and many universities are only now beginning to offer cybersecurity degrees. Additionally, the field is constantly evolving, and it can be difficult for professionals to keep up with the latest trends and technologies.

Solutions for Bridging the Talent Gap

To bridge the talent gap in cybersecurity, organizations and educational institutions must work together to create new opportunities for professionals. Some solutions include:

  • Investing in Cybersecurity Training: Organizations should invest in training and development programs for their current employees. This can include cybersecurity boot camps, certification programs, and other training initiatives.

  • Partnering with Universities: Organizations can partner with universities to develop cybersecurity programs that align with their specific needs. This can include internships, mentorship programs, and other collaborative initiatives.

  • Attracting New Talent: Organizations can attract new talent by promoting the benefits of a career in cybersecurity. This can include offering competitive salaries, flexible work arrangements, and opportunities for career growth.

  • Increasing Diversity: The cybersecurity industry is currently lacking diversity, which can be a barrier to attracting new talent. Organizations can work to increase diversity by creating inclusive cultures, offering training programs for underrepresented groups, and other initiatives.


Source: Gartner

The inability of your organisation to close the talent gap is a serious issue that will result in missed opportunities and lost business now and in the future. The cybersecurity skills gap is putting businesses at risk. Worse, there is no sign of it abating. It's no secret that companies are struggling to find cybersecurity talent. The good news is that there are a few ways to bridge the talent gap.

Simplilearn's Cybersecurity Program: Your Gateway to a Successful Career

Many people who are interested in a career pivot towards cybersecurity often ask me where to start. That’s why I want to share this with you. If you are looking to become a Penetration tester, cybersecurity analyst, or cybersecurity architect, there are many job opportunities available in the growing cybersecurity field. However, breaking into the industry can be challenging.

Lack of relevant skills, industry validation/certification, and visibility from top recruiters are some of the reasons why you might be struggling to land a cybersecurity career. But don’t worry, I have a suggestion that can help you crack your next interview. 

Simplilearn, a global leader in online education and training, offers a Cyber Security Postgraduate Expert Master’s Program that covers all aspects of cybersecurity. The program is designed to make you job-ready by providing hands-on experience in real-world scenarios.  It’s an excellent place to start building the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in a cybersecurity career.

The program is accredited by EC-Council, and the course content is designed in collaboration with MIT Schwarzman College of Computing. The program advisor is an Assistant Professorion from MIT, and there’s even a Master Class from MIT included.  

For those who are serious about making a career pivot to cybersecurity, I highly recommend Simplilearn’s Cyber Security Expert Master’s Program. As a special offer for my connections, I have negotiated a 10% discount code for the program: HELEN10. Plus, there are plenty of additional benefits to the program that will help you succeed in your cybersecurity career.

So why wait? Enroll now for a free counseling session with Simplilearn’s career experts and take advantage of this instant discount.  Start building the cybersecurity skills you need to succeed in this rapidly growing field.


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Helen Yu

Innovation Expert

Helen Yu is a Global Top 20 thought leader in 10 categories, including digital transformation, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, cybersecurity, internet of things and marketing. She is a Board Director, Fortune 500 Advisor, WSJ Best Selling & Award Winning Author, Keynote Speaker, Top 50 Women in Tech and IBM Top 10 Global Thought Leader in Digital Transformation. She is also the Founder & CEO of Tigon Advisory, a CXO-as-a-Service growth accelerator, which multiplies growth opportunities from startups to large enterprises. Helen collaborated with prestigious organizations including Intel, VMware, Salesforce, Cisco, Qualcomm, AT&T, IBM, Microsoft and Vodafone. She is also the author of Ascend Your Start-Up.

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