Content Marketing Skills You Need to Master for Success

Content Marketing Skills You Need to Master for Success

Novnish Ramesh 21/07/2020 3
Free Tools To Get Your Content Marketing Work Done

Most people think that content marketing is just writing some fun stuff all day and that it is a purely creative job. 

Content marketing requires a diverse set of skills. 

When we talk about skills there are hard skills and soft skills.

Hard skills you can learn through education but the soft skills rely a lot on personal development and human interaction.

I’ll tell you exactly what these skills are so you can find your success in content marketing 

Hard Skills

◾️ SEO 
◾️ Social Media Marketing 
◾️ Influencer Marketing 
◾️ Analytics 

Soft Skills

◾️ Empathy - be able to take the customer’s perspective and make a human connection
◾️ Creativity – no need to explain here 
◾️ Communication – explaining complex concepts in simple terms
◾️ Organization – managing multiple clients and tasks
◾️ Motivation – push past obstacles 
◾️ Confidence – the need to defend your creation to stakeholders
◾️ Humility – don’t let ego get in the way
◾️ Collaboration – it’s not about you, it’s about the team

So as you can see content marketing isn’t just writing stuff all day, it's about strategy, collaboration and so much more. 

Do you have what it takes to be a good content marketer?


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  • John Miller

    I want to say is thank you.

  • Will Russell

    Excellent article

  • Scott Andrews

    Thank you Novnish

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Novnish Ramesh

Marketing Expert

Novnish is a Content & Campaign Marketing Manager EMEA - helping companies and brands generate results with marketing activities. He is a passionate, cross-functional, creative and result driven marketing specialist with almost 8 years of marketing experience across product marketing, digital marketing, project management, content and campaigns. He believes that marketing activities should create value within the market and to the consumers using data, insights and innovative strategies.

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