The Best SEO Practices For 2023: 7 Tips To Help You Improve Your Google Rankings

The Best SEO Practices For 2023: 7 Tips To Help You Improve Your Google Rankings

Daniel Hall 20/06/2023
The Best SEO Practices For 2023: 7 Tips To Help You Improve Your Google Rankings

The advent of the digital era has put the spotlight firmly on visibility.

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is central to this online visibility war. With Google, the digital giant, always refining its algorithms, it’s critical for businesses to understand and abide by the best SEO practices. 

As we progress into 2023, these practices have evolved and embraced various cutting-edge techniques and strategies. This guide will discuss the best SEO practices for the coming year. It offers tips that can significantly improve your Google rankings. 


Partnering with the Right SEO Agency

Navigating through the complex aspects of SEO can be challenging, particularly with Google’s constantly changing guidelines. This complexity often makes it a smart decision for businesses to get professional assistance. This is where an seo agency comes in, offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to ensure your online success.

SEO agencies with a solid reputation understand the importance of current SEO techniques and know how to align these methods with the latest algorithm updates. They provide a comprehensive site analysis that identifies areas for improvement and potential growth opportunities. They perform thorough keyword research to target terms your audience uses, optimizing your content around them. 

In addition, they provide a regular performance review, enabling your website to rise steadily up the search engine rankings. The right SEO agency can help you keep track of all these metrics. With their help, you can focus on your core business while they ensure your online visibility is maximized.

Focusing on Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals, a ranking factor launched by Google in 2021, has grown in importance by 2023, playing a pivotal role in a website’s Google rankings. These vital elements focus on three key aspects of user experience: loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability.

The loading speed signifies the time a webpage takes to load, directly affecting a user’s first impression of the site. Websites that load faster are likely to keep users engaged and decrease the likelihood of them leaving due to frustration.

Interactivity involves how users engage with a website, such as how quickly it responds to their input. Highly responsive websites enhance user experience, thereby improving their standing in Google’s eyes.

Visual stability pertains to the consistency of the visual layout of a page as it loads. Sites that maintain visual stability provide a seamless user experience, preventing frustrating shifts in content that can cause users to click away.

Utilizing Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are a crucial facet of modern SEO strategy. They consist of three or more words and are typically highly specific, targeting niche demographics rather than mass audiences. For instance, instead of “Italian restaurant,” a long-tail keyword might be “authentic Italian restaurant in downtown Washington.”

While the search volume for such keywords is lower, the conversion rate is often higher. Why? The specificity of long-tail keywords means that when someone uses them, they are more likely to make a purchase or sign up for a service. They’ve identified what they want and are ready to act.

This is especially true when it comes to voice search. As more people adopt voice assistants like Alexa and Siri, they tend to use natural, conversational phrases—essentially long-tail keywords.

Creating E.A.T. Worthy Content

Creating content that adheres to Google’s E.A.T. framework is a significant step towards enhancing your SEO standing. E.A.T. stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness - three crucial factors Google considers when evaluating the quality of content. 

Expertise refers to the depth of knowledge displayed in your content. Showcasing well-researched, in-depth content can demonstrate your expertise. Authoritativeness stems from credibility and reputation. Including testimonials, reviews, and credentials can help establish authority. Trustworthiness is all about security and transparency. 

Secure website protocols and clear, honest information contribute to trust. For example, a health website might demonstrate high E.A.T. by having board-certified doctors write its content, highlighting positive user reviews, and maintaining transparent, secure operations.

Using Schema Markup

Schema markup, or structured data, is a powerful SEO tool that communicates your site’s content in a way that’s easily understood by search engines. When implemented effectively, it adds context to your website’s information, allowing Google to extract meaningful data for its search results. 

This extra layer of information is visible in the form of rich snippets, which are extended descriptions or pieces of data appearing under search results. They provide users with extra information, like reviews for a product or the cooking time for a recipe, right on the search page.

An example of schema markup in action might be a book review website. When optimized with structured data, search results for the site could show not just the website’s name and description but also the average review score and a preview of recent titles reviewed.

Enhancing User Experience (UX)

Optimizing User Experience (UX) is pivotal in SEO, and it’s more than just pleasing aesthetics. The effectiveness of UX design extends to various components. For instance, a logical and intuitive site architecture can guide users effortlessly through your site, making it easy for them to find the information they seek.  

Another key component is mobile compatibility. In our smartphone-dominated era, a website that functions seamlessly on mobile devices will likely keep visitors engaged, reducing bounce rates. For example, a restaurant’s website that allows easy menu viewing, booking a table, or even ordering food from a smartphone can enhance the user experience significantly.

Building High-Quality Backlinks

Building high-quality backlinks is a strategic practice in SEO that carries immense potential to boost your site’s credibility in Google’s eyes. These backlinks, equivalent to referrals in the digital landscape, are links from other respected websites to your own. 

They signal to Google that your content is useful, reliable, and trusted within your niche. For instance, when an esteemed tech blog links to your tech-oriented website, Google perceives this as a vote of confidence in your content. 

Strategies to secure these valuable backlinks include guest blogging, where you contribute content to another blog in return for a link to your site. Similarly, content marketing strategies and relationships with other established sites in your field are also effective.

Bonus Tip - Leveraging the power of Expired Domains

Redirecting expired domains with strong backlinks is one of the untapped methods to improve SERP ranking. When it comes to 301 redirection of expired domains, one has to make sure the domain they redirect is relevant to their niche or industry. Expired domain marketplaces like Domain Coasters have inventory of domains from 50+ niches. Using the advanced filters one can pick the best domain that is relevant.


In conclusion, optimizing your online presence through SEO in 2023 involves understanding evolving trends and techniques. From selecting the right SEO agency to mastering Core Web Vitals and embracing long-tail keywords, every facet contributes to better rankings. 

Implementing Schema Markup, enhancing UX, and focusing on E.A.T. can make your content more appealing to Google’s algorithms. Lastly, building high-quality backlinks cements your reputation within your niche, establishing your site as a trusted and authoritative source. Adhering to these practices will help boost your Google rankings, ultimately driving traffic and growth.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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