Top Data Science Companies

Top Data Science Companies

Daniel Hall 24/05/2021
Top Data Science Companies

Data science companies are reshaping the way businesses analyze and process data

Investing in the right data science company can help your organization grow. The best data science companies provide innovative software solutions. Their insights and data-driven programs enable customers and employees to experience the wonders of data and learn how they can transform their industry into a smart one. Data science companies such as Data Science UA company are leveraging artifcial intelligence to help businesses discover hidden opportunities. To let you know about these innovative companies, we have brought you a list of the top data corporations you should know about.

5 Applications of Data Mining


Numerator provides firms more insights about the full consumer journey. Situated in Chicago, Illinois, Numerator employs 1,600 people everywhere. The organization combines exclusive data with cutting-edge technology plus elite services to provide a unique insight into causal influences that impact consumer choices.


Cloudera helps accelerate digital transformation for the world’s largest enterprises. The firm allows the transformation of complex data into clear, actionable ideas. To this end, Cloudera provides an industry data cloud including edge technology and artificial intelligence. Through the constant change of the open-source society, Cloudera is stimulating the digital transformation of the world's greatest companies.


Splunk includes everything companies need to ensure their digital initiatives succeed. Its flexible platform and purpose-built solutions scale with businesses as their data and organization evolve. Innovators in IT, safety, IoT, and business processes, organizations can instantly gain a complete view of their business in real-time, turn data into business results, and use technologies that make them for a data-driven prospect.


Since its inception in 1997 to the present, SPINS data and production definitions have become the common language of the natural commodities industry, helping brands communicate their increase to retailers to compare their distribution, and supporting retailers to know and maintain their points of difference. As the natural food industry has grown to become the driving force behind retail in the US, the company has played a big role in the expansion of the food production industry, which has generated $137 billion in sales.


Alteryx is a leader in analytical method industrialization (APA). The Alteryx APA principles combine analytics, data analysis, and business automation into a one easy-to-use platform to expedite digital change. Each data scientist, despite professional judgment, can be unique and problem-solving. With the Alteryx platform, they can obtain and know what data is in their direction, interpret data from more experts, and simply offer marketing purposes.


The Sisense data and analytics platform is a complete end-to-end business intelligence platform that allows data engineers, developers, and data investigators to create analytic applications that provide a deeply interactive user action. In addition, the Sisense data and analytics platform dramatically reduces the moment it takes to develop, install, and expand creative analytics apps that unleash creativity and user action.


Oracle is affecting the way organizations view cloud services. From intelligent business solutions to smart infrastructure, Orcale is helping companies implement the latest technologies of tomorrow, such as the world's first and only standalone database. Oracle is working to fulfill its mission of helping people see data in new ways, discover new ideas, and discover limitless possibilities.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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